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《灵界经历》 第4597节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4597

4597. About inflow

Inflow is seldom conscious, but when spirits who are around a person are speaking about such things as are distasteful to him and this flows in, it causes an unpleasant feeling, discomfort, and sadness, with great variety. When they speak among themselves about matters that are agreeable to the person and his or her nature, and this flows in, it produces enjoyment, cheer, and comfort, with great variety. I have often wondered where such states of mind come from but I was instructed by much experience that this is their source. I spoke with those who brought on displeasure. They were driven off, and immediately it ceased. Such spirits occupy various places, around the head, nearer or farther off, in the stomach and elsewhere. It is not so much their aura that flows in, but their conversation and what is in opposition to the person, which they know how to pour in and communicate.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4597


(Influx is rarely manifest. But, when spirits who are around, speak about such things as are adverse to the man, and this inflows, it causes an unpleasant, incongruous and sad experience, in great variety. When they speak with each other concerning those things that are agreeable to the man and his disposition, and this inflows, it produces pleasant, cheerful and congruous feelings, in great variety. I often wondered whence such things are; but I was instructed, by much experience, that they are from this source. I spoke with those who induced the unpleasant feeling. They were driven away, and immediately it ceased. Such spirits are in various place - around the head, near at hand and more remote, in the stomach and elsewhere. Thus, it is not their sphere which inflows, but it is speech and the contrary thereto, which they know how to infuse and communicate.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4597 (original Latin 1748-1764)


Influxus raro est manifestus, sed cum spiritus qui circum sunt, loquuntur de talibus, quae homini adversa sunt, cum hoc influit, causatur injucundum, incommodum, triste, multa varietate, cum secum loquuntur de illis quae homini et ejus indoli conveniunt, cum hoc influit, producit jucundum, laetum, commodum cum multa varietate; miratus saepe unde talia, sed instructus multa experientia, quod inde, loquutus cum illis qui induxerunt injucundum, abacti sunt, et statim id cessavit; sunt tales variis in locis, circum caput, prope et remotius, in ventriculo, et alibi. Hoc non ita est sphaera eorum quae influit, sed est sermo, et contrarium ei, quod sciunt infundere et communicare.

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