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《灵界经历》 第4598节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4598

4598. About Sirens, and mental imagery

It was mentioned above [4595] that using windings they fashion a certain object that they afterward throw from themselves; and what is remarkable, when they speak, they speak by means of it, and the voice is heard as if coming from that place, even though it might be at a great distance from there, and no spirit can tell where they are. It is heard as if the voice were there. In fact, also, as long as it remains in the place there, they are protected and cannot be approached or harmed by anyone. Within that winding is commonly a staff, which symbolizes power. The angels know where they are, and when they had been cast into hell, those pupae were then unbound, and this [went on for] for a rather long time, in a long series, and after it had been unbound, that is, unwound, then for the first time could they be approached.

They even are in the habit of wrapping themselves in bands of cloth, and in this way they also are protected and cannot be approached by anything injurious, unless [their bands] are first unbound.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4598


It was related above that they [the sirens] produce, by means of wrappings-round, something which they afterwards project from themselves; and, what is wonderful, when they speak, they speak by means of that, and the sound is heard as if from the place where that is, although they are at a great distance from there; nor is any spirit able to know where they are. It sounds as if they are there; yea, indeed, as long as that remains in its place they are safe; they cannot be approached or injured by anyone. Inwardly, within that wrapper, is generally a wand [or staff], by which is signified power. The angels know where they are; and, when they are cast together into hell, then also are those puppets unwrapped, and this quite a long time in a long unbroken line; and, after it has been unwrapped, or unfolded then, first, can they be approached. They are also accustomed to infold themselves in wrappings; and thus, also, they are secure, and cannot be approached by any injury, unless they are first unwrapped.

Experientiae Spirituales 4598 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4598. De Sirenibus et ideis

Supra memoratum [4595], quod faciant per circumvolutiones, quoddam quod postea projiciunt a se quod mirum, cum loquuntur per illud loquuntur vox auditur sicut inde, tametsi multam distantiam abinde foret, nec aliquis spiritus scire potest ubinam sunt, auditur sicut ibi, imo etiam quamdiu illud manet ibi in loco, sunt tutae, non adiri possunt, nec laedi ab aliquo; in involucro illo intus plerumque est baculus, per quem significatur potentia: angeli sciunt ubinam sunt cum conjectae sunt in infernum, tunc quoque pupae illae exfasciabantur hoc satis diu, in longa serie postquam exfasciatum seu evolutum fuit, tunc primum adiri possunt. Solent etiam semet involvere fasciis sic quoque tutae sunt, nec adiri aliquo damno [possunt] , nisi prius exfasciatae sunt.

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