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《灵界经历》 第4599节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4599

4599. It was asked what these bindings are. They are their mental images, which are variously shaped by them, and wound around in this fashion, and when their mental images are so wound, they are the sirens themselves; for everyone's mind, or thought, consists of mental images. Consequently they transform themselves, so to speak, into such a pupa, and when they are speaking to someone else, [their] voice is not heard except from there, entirely as if they themselves were there. This shows that the mental images of human thought, which are from affections, are real because they can be reproduced in this way. That magic is from the magical hell. If the imagery were not real, such things could never occur.

There are sirens that roll up things other than staffs, certain ones roll up any spirits who accept it, certain ones obscene things, but these are entirely rejected.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4599

4599. It was inquired what these wrappings were. They are their ideas, which are variously shaped by them, and are wrapped around in this way; and, when their ideas are thus wrapped up, they themselves are, for anyone's mind or thought consists of ideas. Hence they transport themselves, as it were, into such a puppet; and, when they speak from any quarter, the sound is heard only from that place [where the puppet is], in all respects as though they were there themselves. Hence it is clear, that the ideas of man's thoughts, which are from his affections, are real, because they can thus be transferred. That magic is from the magical hell. Unless the ideas were real, such a thing could never happen. There are those who wrap up other things than wands. Nay, certain of them wrap up any spirits who allow it. Some wrap up obscene things; but such characters are rejected altogether.

Experientiae Spirituales 4599 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4599. Quid fasciae illae, inquisitum est, sunt ideae illarum, quae varie ab illis formantur, et sic circumvolvuntur, et cum ideae illarum ita circumvolvuntur, sunt ipsae illae, nam mens cujusvis seu cogitatio consistit ex ideis; inde se quasi transferunt in talem pupam, et cum loquuntur alicali, vox non auditur quam inde, prorsus sicut ipsae forent ibi: inde patet, quod ideae cogitationis hominis, quae ex affectionibus, reales sint, quia transscribi ita possunt. Magia illa ab inferno magico est. Nisi forent ideae reales, nusquam tale existere posset. Sunt quae involvunt alia quam baculos; quaedam etiam aliquos spiritus, qui id recipiunt; quaedam obscoena, sed tales rejiciuntur prorsus.

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