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《灵界经历》 第460节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 460

460. About the adroitness of spirits in making up things that appear to be true

From one experience today, I was able to realize how spirits can counterfeit the truth, and thus play with human minds. The case in point was their depiction of the inhabitants of Saturn, whom they claim to be little people, for the most part small in stature but still of good character. They say that they meditate more than they speak, that they live in a cold climate, that they cast out from their midst those who are evil (but do not punish them with death, which they say is wicked, but that they are thus banished from society and no longer tolerated by the rest), that they worship God the creator of the universe, and similar concoctions having an appearance of truth. But because they wanted to add on embellishments, I was unable to believe them.

However, I was able to deduce from these things that the inhabitants of that planet, though they did not know Christ Jesus, must nevertheless have been taught by some Divine Word, so as to have a knowledge of Him, albeit a dim one; and that those who had not, like gentiles on our earth such as the Africans, who are destitute of such higher knowledge, can nevertheless be saved. 1748, the 11th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 460


From a certain kind of experience today, I could observe how spirits are able to feign resemblances of truth and so deceive human minds: as for instance, their figment about the inhabitants of Saturn, who, they say, are tiny men, for the most part small in stature, though yet of a good disposition; and that they meditate more than they speak; that they live in a cold climate; that they cast out from them those who are evil, but do not punish them with death - which they say is wicked - but the evil are thus banished from their society and are no longer tolerated by the rest; that they worship God, the Creator of the universe: and there are similar things which they fashioned to resemble truths. But because they wanted to add particulars, I could not believe them. Meanwhile, I could thence deduce that the inhabitants of that orb, though ignorant of Christ Jesus, must needs be instructed by some Divine Word in order that they may thus have a knowledge of Him, however obscure; and that those who have not had, and are destitute of, such knowledges, like the gentiles of our earth, as the Africans, can still be saved. 1748, Jan. 11.

Experientiae Spirituales 460 (original Latin 1748-1764)

460. Ex quadam experientia hodie, animadvertere 1

potui, quomodo spiritus fingere queant verosimilia, et sic illudere mentibus humanis, sicut figmentum eorum, de incolis Saturninis, quos dicebant esse parvulos homines, qui essent quoad maximam partem parvi quoad staturam, sed usque bonae indolis, et quod plus meditentur quam loquantur, quod in frigida tempestate vivant, quod eos qui sunt mali, a se ejiciant (non autem morte mulctent, quod impium esse dicebant, sed quod sic a societate exterminati sint, nec tolerentur amplius a reliquis), quod 2

colant Deum creatorem universi; ac similia, quae finxerunt veris similia; sed quia particularia volebant adjicere, non potui credere; interim inde potui deducere, quod incolae istius orbis, tametsi ignorarent Christum Jesum, usque quod aliquo Verbo Divino debeant instructi esse, sic ut cognitionem Ipsius, tametsi obscuram habeant, et 3

[quod] qui non habuissent, similiter ac gentes in nostra tellure, ut Africani, qui destituti cognitionibus, usque salvari possint. 1748, die 11 Jan.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has animadverti

2. The Manuscript has reliquis, quod

3. The Manuscript has habeant; et

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