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《灵界经历》 第461节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

461.天上被称为星星之人的住所。在启示录(12:3,4),我们读到龙,经上说他的尾巴拖拉着天上星辰的三分之一。在天顶,或头顶正上方,是一个自称亚伯拉罕之人的住所。他就像一条光滑的蛇,因为他有时似乎想转变过来,有时又有不同的态度;然而,他仍不断努力消灭所有他称之为外邦人的人,除了他称之为自己孩子的雅各子孙外;他也不理睬其他家庭,如被驱散的以色列人,因为他恨耶稣,不断迫害基督徒,歪曲他们的教义。列出他一切的欺诈和诡计实在是太冗长乏味了,我只被允许从经历知道这些,因为他已经迫害我将近三年了。他的影响力很大,因为在他的幻觉中,他把自己放到天顶上,从而俯视所有人;因此,他以为自己掌控整个宇宙。有时,他觉得自己似乎就像被这样一个气场环绕的太阳。他被置于天顶只是一种幻觉,因为通过幻觉,他能被推倒和翻转,以各种方式被驱动,他不得不承认这一点,如今天在清醒的状态下所发生的那样。据说有一个人被幻觉操纵,这种事在灵人当中是很常见的。除了其它恶作剧之外,他还把所谓的亚伯拉罕放在我身后。因此,他不得不承认,仅仅傲慢的幻觉就把他举起来,不断把他摁在那里。关于他的详情,可见于别处(281, 379, 410节)。今天他还想用这样的幻觉来欺骗我,即:他是没有任何中间人的宇宙创造者,但他被阻止这样做,所以不得不承认必须有一个中间人,而他自己永远也不能调解,因为他是一个非常恶毒的人,憎恨一切忠信之人和一切虔诚的纯真之人,并允许自己被拜为神。(1748年1月11日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 461

461. The abode of some in heaven who are called stars

In the book of Revelation [2:3,4], we read concerning the dragon that "he drew down a third part of the stars with his tail." In the zenith, or directly overhead, is the abode of a certain one who calls himself Abraham. He is like a slippery serpent, for at one moment he seems to want to be converted, at another he takes a different attitude. Nevertheless, he unceasingly labors to destroy all those whom he calls gentiles, except for the descendants of Jacob, whom he calls his own children; nor is he interested in other families, such as the scattered Israelites, because he hates Jesus, and continually persecutes Christians and distorts [Christian] teachings. It would be too much to enumerate all his deceptions and devices, which I have only been allowed to learn from experience, for he has been persecuting me now for nearly three years.

He has very great influence, because in his fantasy, he puts himself right in the zenith, and thus looks straight down upon all; so he thinks that he controls the universe, sometimes seeming to himself to be as the sun, surrounded with a like aura. It is only an illusion that he is located at the zenith. For in fantasy, he can be thrust down, and turned about, and driven in different ways, which he cannot help admitting - as happened today in a period of wakefulness. There was one who was said to work by means of fantasies, something most common among spirits, so he placed the so-called Abraham behind me, besides other playful tricks. Consequently he has to admit it was only the illusion of his arrogance that lifted him up and continually holds him there. More about him can be found elsewhere [see 281, 379, 410]. Today he also wanted deceive me by a fantasy of [his being] the creator of the universe without any intermediary, but he was scared off from doing this had acknowledge that there must be an intermediary that he himself could never mediate, since he is a wicked person hates all believers, all devout innocent people allows himself be worshipped as God. 1748, the 11th day of January (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 461


We read in the Apocalypse [ xii 4 ], about the dragon, that he drew down a third part of the stars with his tail. In the zenith, or directly overhead, is the seat of a certain one who calls himself Abraham. He is like a smooth serpent, for sometimes he seems to want to turn himself round, at other times the case is different; but still he continually labors to destroy all those whom he calls gentiles, except the posterity of Jacob, whom he calls his children; nor does he give attention to the other families, as the dispersed Israelites, because he hates Jesus and continually persecutes the Christians, and perverts their doctrine. It would be too prolix to enumerate all his deceits and wiles, which I have been given to know only from experience, for he has now persecuted me for nearly three years. He has a very great influence [influxus] because from phantasy he places himself quite in the zenith, so that he may thus look downwards upon all; he thus supposes that he directs the universe. Sometimes he seems to himself to be like the sun surrounded by such a sphere. That he is placed in the zenith is only a phantasy, for by phantasies he can be thrust down and turned about, and also acted upon in various ways, which he cannot but acknowledge, as happened today in a state of wakefulness. There was one who was said to operate by phantasies, which is very common with spirits. He placed the so-called Abraham behind me, besides other pranks, so that he is obliged to acknowledge that only the phantasy of pride had raised him up, and continually holds him there. (More about this elsewhere.) He also wanted to deceive me today, by the phantasy of a creator of the universe without mediation; but being deterred from doing so, he had to acknowledge that there must be a mediation and that he himself can never mediate, since he is a most malicious man, and hates all the faithful, the pious, and the innocent, and suffers himself to be worshipped as God. 1748, Jan. 11, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 461 (original Latin 1748-1764)

461. Sedes quorundam in coelo, qui vocantur stellae

In Apocalypsi [XII: 3, 4] de dracone, quod "tertiam partem stellarum cauda detraxerit" legitur, in zenith seu prorsus super caput est sedes cujusdam, qui se Abrahamum vocat, est instar laevis 1

serpentis, jam enim se convertere velle videtur, jam aliter se habet, sed usque continuo laborat destruere omnes, quos gentes vocat, praeter Jacobi posteros, quos suos liberos vocat, nec attendit ad caeteras familias, ut dispersos Israelitas, quia odio habet Jesum, et continue persequitur Christianos, ac pervertit 2

doctrinam; omnes ejus dolos et artes enumerare, quos modo nosse mihi datum est ab experientia, nimis prolixum foret, nam me persequutus est jam paene per triennium. Is maximum influxum habet, quia ex phantasia se prorsus in zenith ponit, et sic ut deorsum spectet in omnes; putat sic se dirigere universum, sibi quandoque videtur tanquam sol, circumdatus tali sphaera; quod in zenith sit positus est sola phantasia, nam per phantasias detrudi potest, et circumverti, et agi vario modo, quod non potest non agnoscere, sicut hodie in vigilia, erat unus qui dictus erat operari per phantasias, quod vulgarissimum est spiritibus, is sic vocatum Abrahamum pone me locavit, praeter alios lusus, sic ut agnoscere debeat, quod sola phantasia superbiae ibi eum sustulerit, et continuo teneat: plura de eo alibi [281, 379, 410]; me etiam fallere hodie voluit etiam per phantasiam creatoris universi, absque mediatione, sed inde deterritus, agnoscere debuit, quod mediatio foret, et quod 3

is nusquam mediare possit, quum homo malitiosus est, et odio habet omnes fideles, pios, et innocentes, seque patiatur pro Deo coli. 1748, die 11 Jan. st. v.


1. = levis

2. The Manuscript has pervetit

3. The Manuscript has quos

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