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《灵界经历》 第4606节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4606

4606. There was frequent discussion among spirits about that appearance, and I have listened, and it was always agreed on by the angels that an inflow never takes place at all from outer things to inward ones, but from inner to outer, and that it would be contrary to order, and thus contrary to nature, if an outward element were to flow into the inward one, but the reverse is the case. I also saw someone fallen down out of a certain heavenly society on account of his belief based on the appearance that a reciprocal reverse inflow exists.

From this it is apparent how much we do not know and how much an appearance as it were declares a matter to be something other than what the case itself is, thus how much fallacies lead astray.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4606

4606. There was often discussion amongst the spirits concerning that appearance. I heard: and it was constantly decided, by the angels, that influx by no means takes place from externals to internals, but from internals to externals, and that it would be contrary to order, and thus contrary to nature, for the exterior to inflow into the interior, but vice versa. I also saw a certain one, who had fallen down from a certain heavenly society, for the reason that he believed, according to the appearance, reciprocal influx to exist. From these things it is apparent, how much we are ignorant of, and how much appearance dictates, as it were, that is different to the truth itself, so that fallacies carry us away.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4606 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4606. Fuit saepe inter spiritus sermo de illa apparentia, et audivi, et ab angelis semper decisum, quod influxus nullatenus fiat ab externis ad interna, sed ab internis ad externa, et quod contra ordinem foret, et sic contra naturam, ut exterius influat in interius, sed vice versa; vidi etiam aliquem delapsum e societate quadam coelesti, propterea quod ex apparentia credidit influxum dari reciprocum. Ex his apparet, quantum nesciamus, et quantum apparentia aliud quasi dictet, quam res ipsa se habet, ita quod fallaciae auferant.

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