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《灵界经历》 第462节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 462

462. At his left in respect to me, or at the right in respect to him, at the same height, there is one who calls himself Jacob, who likewise demands to be worshipped. To him, fewer are said to be coming. He lies on a bed and in this manner receives those who come to him, and promises them heaven, and these, having been sent out by him, return, saying that they find rest nowhere. He answers that they must wait. So the miserable crowd wanders around, without rest. The same day. Turn the page and see the continuation. 1


1. This annotation appears at the bottom of the manuscript page.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 462

462. At his left in respect to me, or at the right with respect to him, at a similar height, there is a certain one who calls himself Jacob, who in like manner orders that he is to be worshipped. It is said that fewer come to him. He lies on a bed and in this manner receives those who come to him, and promises heaven. Those who have been sent away by him return and say that they can find rest nowhere. He replies that they ought to wait. So the miserable crowd wander about without rest. The same day ...(Turn over and see the continuation). 1


1. This was written at the bottom of the page and refers to the next number which is on the next page.

Experientiae Spirituales 462 (original Latin 1748-1764)

462. A sinistra ejus respectu mei, seu a dextra respectu ejus, in simili altitudine est quidam qui se vocat Jacobum 3

, qui similiter se coli jubet, ad eum dicitur pauciores venire, is in lecto decumbit et sic advenientes accipit ac [iis] pollicetur coelum, qui ab eo dimissi redeunt, et dicunt, quod nullibi quietem inveniant, respondet quod exspectare debeant: sic misera turba circumvagatur absque requie. Eodem die.

Verte et vide continuatum. 2


2. hoc ad imam paginam in the Manuscript apparet

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