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《灵界经历》 第4622节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4622

4622. If one does not have truths of faith from the goodness of caring for others, angels cannot flow in, because they do not have a plane [of reception]. But then through spirits they flow into one's outer qualities, into respect for others out of the fear lest one lose one's good name on account of honors and profit, and into one's fear of the law and for one's life. In this way they hold people to being outwardly respectable. This is the plane into which heaven flows at this day. But this plane is nothing in the other life. There people are in the spiritual world, consequently in the aura of their inner nature. Such as they had been inwardly, such they are there, not as they had been outwardly; outer qualities are taken away there, and then it appears what kind of devils or what kind of angels they had been in the world.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4622

4622. If man does not possess truths of faith proceeding from the goods of charity, angels cannot inflow, because they have no plane. But they inflow, then, by means of spirits, into his externals, into his regard for others, proceeding from fear (on account of honors and on account of gain) lest he lose his reputation, and into his fear of the law and his life. Thus they hold him in external honorable conduct. This is the plane into which heaven inflows at this day; but this plane is nothing in the other life. Man is there in a spiritual world, and, therefore, in the sphere of his interiors. He is, there, such as he was inwardly, not as he was outwardly. Externals are there removed. It is thus plain of what quality a devil was, or of what quality an angel was, in the world.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4622 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4622. Si homo non habet vera fidei ex bonis charitatis, angeli non possunt influere, quia non habent planum; sed tunc per spiritus influunt in externa ejus, in respectum pro aliis ex timore, ne perdat famam propter honores, et propter lucrum, et in timorem legis et vitae, ita tenent in honesto externo, hoc est planum in quod coelum hodie influit, sed hoc planum nihil est in altera vita, homo ibi est in spirituali mundo, proinde in sphaera interiorum suorum, qualis intus fuerat, talis ibi est, non qualis extus, externa auferuntur ibi, ita patet qualis vel diabolus vel qualis angelus fuerat in mundo.

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