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《灵界经历》 第4623节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4623

4623. About a hell where they worship themselves

There is a hell on the left side at a middle distance where an opening appears, and in it certain ones from that hell. There they compel each other to worship each other as gods; the one who is superior demands this or that, and the ones who are lower do it. This goes on by turns. At times some have come into the world of spirits, and when any would do evil to anyone, they suggested that they pray [to them], and that by so doing they would be liberated. But such spirits were turned away with intense aversion and punished, for in the other life it is a sacrilege to pray to anyone not to do evil, because this is to pray to the devil. The Lord Alone is to be worshipped.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4623


There is a hell, at a medium distance on the left side, where appears an opening, and, therein, certain ones from that hell. They there mutually compel one another to worship each other as gods. He who is superior exacts this, and those who are inferior yield it, and thus, in turn. Occasionally, some have come thence into the world of spirits, and when they would do evil to anyone, they suggest that they should make supplication, and then they would be liberated: but such are cast out with the greatest abhorrence, and punished; for, in the other life, it is sacrilege to make supplication to anyone in order that he may not do evil, because this is [to pray] to the devil. The Lord alone ought to be worshipped.

Experientiae Spirituales 4623 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4623. De inferno ubi adorant se

Est infernum a latere sinistro ad distantiam mediam, ubi apparet apertura, et in illa quidam inde, ibi adigunt se mutuo ad se adorandum, ut deos, qui superior hoc, hoc

postulat, et qui inferiores hoc faciunt, ita per vices; inde quandoque aliqui venerunt in mundum spirituum, et cum malum alicui facerent, injiciebant ut supplicarent, et sic liberarentur, sed tales cum maxima aversatione rejecti sunt, et puniti, nam in altera vita sacrilegium est supplicare aliquem, ut non faciat malum, quia hoc est ad diabolum; Solus Dominus adorandus.

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