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《灵界经历》 第4631节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4631

4631. About the hells

There is a hell toward the front, a little to the left at a distance, where those are who plot against marriage love and with unspeakable tricks separate minds also attempting to do this with those who are united. When they are out of their hell, they appear directly overhead, above the pulsating fontanelle there, and when looked at, they look like snakes.

[2] To help them they have demons who are directly under the buttocks, who inspire lust in ways that cannot be spoken. They look like thick spikes raised upwards from the head, which they stretch out. I watched them being cast down into hell, and they could not be cast down, unless those thick spikes were bent downward. Those spikes are not sharp but dull, symbolic of the highest degree of lust.

[3] It should be noted that in all the hells there are deeper and deeper places. Those who are worse are in the lower ones and those yet worse in yet deeper ones. I have seen them cast down from one depth into another, and have seen this frequently; it was also observed that the deeper they go, the thicker the cloud seems that engulfs them. That cloud is an exhalation from them, and it is a sign of the dense earthly light in which they are, because they are more remote from the light of heaven. Earthly light is obscurity and thick darkness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4631


There is a hell in front, at a distance a little to the left, where are those who plot against conjugial love, and study, by indescribable arts, to separate minds [animus]: they also make their attempts with those who are united. When they are away from their own hell, they appear directly over the head, above the fontenelle there, and they look, when closely regarded like serpents. To help them they have genii, who are directly under the buttocks, who also inspire lascivious things, in indescribable ways. There appear, as it were, coarse points, which are raised upwards from the head, and which they extend. I have seen these spirits cast down into hell, nor could they be cast down, until those coarse points were turned downward. Those points, which are not sharp, but blunt, are representative of the greatest lasciviousness. It must be observed, that, in all the hells, are deeper and deeper regions. Those who are worse are in the lower regions, and those who are still worse, are in regions still deeper. I have seen them cast down from one depth to another, and this frequently. It was, likewise, observed, that the deeper they come, so much the denser is the cloud which surrounds them. That cloud is an exhalation from them; it is also a proof of the dense light [lumen] in which they are, because they are more remote from the light, [lux] of heaven. The former light [lumen] is darkness and fogginess.

Experientiae Spirituales 4631 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4631. De infernis

Est infernum antrorsum paulo sinistrorsum ad distantiam, ubi illi, qui insidiantur contra amorem conjugialem, et artibus ineffabilibus student separare animos, etiam tentant cum illis qui uniti sunt, cum ex inferno suo sunt, apparent directe supra caput supra fontem pulsatilem ibi, et apparent, cum inspiciuntur, sicut serpentes.

[2] Pro auxilio habent genios, qui sub natibus directe sunt, qui lasciva inspirant etiam modis non effabilibus, apparent sicut spicula crassa e capite sursum elata, quae extendunt, vidi dejectos in infernum, nec dejici potuerunt, nisi spicula illa crassa deorsum versa fuerint, sunt spicula illa quae non acuta, sed obtusa, repraesentativa summae lasciviae. Observandum, quod in omnibus infernis sint loca profundiora et profundiora, qui pejores sunt in inferioribus sunt, et qui adhuc pejores in adhuc profundioribus, vidi illos dejectos ab una profunditate in alteram, et hoc saepe: observatum etiam est, quod [quo] profundius veniunt, eo densior quasi nimbus illos circumcingat, nimbus ille est exhalatio ab illis, et est indicium densi luminis, in quo sunt, quia remotiores a luce coeli, illud lumen sunt tenebrae, et caligines.

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