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《灵界经历》 第4632节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4632

4632. About the hells

I saw that Sirens descended into the hell that is in front of the left foot and planned wicked actions, namely, that there would be communication between that hell and a new hell the Sirens had, behind the left foot. Then I saw that an angel looked into that hell from above and removed all who are there, there were many, and put them in a different order and did this very forcefully; and that he cast out certain ones headlong from there into other hells. So great is the power angels have from the Lord and such is [His] Providence that even the hells too are kept in order.

[4632] 1/2. Afterwards I saw what seemed like horses and horsemen from above interposed between those two hells, by which was symbolized separation and protection, that it would not be possible to cross from one over into the other.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4632


I saw that sirens descended into the hell which is before the left foot, and wrought wicked things, in order, namely, that a communication might be established between that hell, and the new hell, which belonged to the sirens, behind the left foot. It was then seen, that an angel, from the regions above, looked into that hell, and removed all who were there, who were very many, and reduced them into another order, and this with great force; and that he ejected some of them headlong from thence into other hells. Such power have the angels, from the Lord, and such is providence, that even the hells are kept in order.

4632a. Afterwards were seen, as it were, horses and horsemen, interposing, from above, between those two hells, by which was signified separation, and guard, that there might not be any crossing over from one into the other.

Experientiae Spirituales 4632 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4632. De infernis

Vidi quod Sirenes descenderent in infernum quod ante pedem sinistrum, et molitae maligna, ut nempe communicatio daretur inter id infernum, et infernum novum quod Sirenibus, post pedem sinistrum; tunc visum est, quod angelus a superiori spectaret in infernum illud, et omnes qui ibi, qui plures fuerunt, removeret, et in alium ordinem redigeret, et hoc magna vi, et quod quosdam ejiceret praecipites inde in alia inferna; tanta est potestas angelis a Domino, et talis est providentia, ut etiam inferna teneantur in ordine.

[4[632] 1/2. Postea visi quasi equi equites intercedentes desuper inter bina illa inferna, per quos significabatur separatio custodia, quod non transiri posset ab uno in alterum.

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