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《灵界经历》 第4633节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4633

4633. About the hells of revilers

In a dream there were two who severely attacked me, for no reason, from a depraved nature. They wanted not only to thrash but even to injure me to the point of inflicting severe harm, almost death, and one of them also repeated this attack in the company of many who were dignitaries, in whose presence he felt no fear or shame, etc. etc.

[2] When I had awoken, I noticed that such a spirit was present. I spoke with him, and he was just as he had been in the dream. He was then handed over to others to be guarded. But he learned magical arts so that he could free himself from their hands. But it was in vain: he was restrained; and the fact that those more respectable than himself [were present] caused him to feel no shame, nor the presence of any others. Because he had such an animal nature, he was let into a hell where such were. Their hell was forward in front of the left foot at a great distance, so that it seemed to be outside the other hells. He was sent there, and the hell of such is there, for such fear neither God nor man and desire to do evil to everyone and account murder as nothing.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4633


In a dream, there were two who grievously reviled me, and this without any reason, but out of a depraved nature. They wished not only to beat, but even to injure, even so far as to inflict grievous harm, almost amounting to death; and this, also, one repeated in the company of many who had been in authority, in whose presence he had not any fear or diffidence, etc., etc. When I awoke, I observed that such a spirit was present: I spoke with him; and he was of such a quality as he was in the dream. Then was he delivered to others to be guarded; but he has become acquainted with magical arts, so as to liberate himself from their hands; but he tried in vain to escape: he was restrained. Nor did he, then, have any diffidence in presence of those who were worthier than himself, nor in presence of others. Because he was of such a wild-beast nature, he was dispatched into the hell where such are. The hell of such was in front, before the left foot, at a considerable distance, so that he seemed to be outside the other hells. Thither was he sent; and, in that part is the hell of such ones; for such characters fear neither God nor men, and desire to do evil to everyone, and regard murder as a trifling matter.

Experientiae Spirituales 4633 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4633. De infernis insultantium

In somnio fuerunt duo, qui graviter mihi insultarunt, et hoc absque ulla causa, ex prava natura, voluerunt non modo verberare, sed etiam laedere, usque ut damnum inferrent grave, paene ad mortem, et hoc quoque unus iterabat in consortio plurium qui in dignitate fuerunt, pro quibus nec ullum habebat timorem ac pudorem; etc. etc.; cum expergefactus essem, observabam quod talis esset spiritus, loquebar cum illo, et erat qualis erat in somnio, tunc traditus est aliis ut custodiretur, sed artes didicit magicas, ut ab eorum manibus se liberaret, sed incassum, detentus est, nec tunc aliquem pudorem habuit pro dignioribus se, nec pro aliis, quia tali ferina natura esset, missus est in infernum ubi tales, infernum talium erat antrorsum ante sinistrum pedem ad multam distantiam, sic ut videretur esse extra alia inferna, illuc immissus est, ac ibi talium infernum est, nam tales non timent Deum, nec homines, et cupiunt unicuique malum facere, et necem pro nihilo aestimant.

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