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《灵界经历》 第4641节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4641

4641. About the hells

At the left side toward the front are the most filthy and abominable hells. There in the gates certain ones were seen who appeared like horrifying monsters, certain like corpses wrapped in their shrouds, certain with a bony head, certain in an extremely filthy position and in a horrifying shape; I cannot describe them; they are horrible. Those who appear there in the gates are images of those who are in the hells; their natures can be known from them. But when these have been seen, they are at once closed off lest they contaminate the aura.

Those who are in front very far off toward the left are reckless, caring for neither God nor man.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4641


At the left side, in front, are abominable and most filthy hells. Certain ones from thence, appeared there in the gates. They appeared as frightful monsters - some as corpses clothed in their shrouds; some bony as to the head; some in a most filthy situation, and in a frightful form. I am not able to describe these things. They are horrible. Those who appear there, in the gates, are images of those who are in the hells: from the former is known of what quality the latter are. But when these were seen, they [the hells] were immediately closed, lest they should infect the sphere. Those who are on the left, farthest to the front, are bold; they care neither for God nor men.

Experientiae Spirituales 4641 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4641. De infernis

Ad latus sinistrum antrorsum sunt inferna spurcissima et abominabilia, apparuerunt ibi in portis inde quidam, qui apparuerunt ut monstra horrenda, quidam ut cadavera induta suis lineis, quidam quoad caput ossei, quidam in spurcissimo positu, et in horrenda forma, describere illa non possum, sunt horribilia. Qui apparent ibi in portis, sunt imagines illorum qui in infernis, ex illis cognoscitur quales sunt; sed cum visa illa, statim clausa sunt, ne inficerent sphaeram. Qui ad sinistrum antrorsum longissime, illi temerarii sunt, nec curant Deum nec homines.

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