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《灵界经历》 第4642节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4642

4642. Those who are at the left in a line slanting a little toward the back, at some distance, are those who compel others to worship them as a god; and he who can subdue another is worshipped so long as he can do this, [They are worshipped] in this way one after another. These were also seen in the gate. This hell is lower down.

The gate of those who are in front to the right appears quite high up, and indeed, at the level of the armpit, under the shoulder.

At the right toward the front are those who have knowledge of faith but lead a life of evil and so do not lead a life in accord with the precepts of faith.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4642

4642. They who are at a distance on the left, in an oblique line, [inclining] a little backward, are those who compel people to worship them as God; and he who can subjugate another is worshipped for so long as he can retain the upper hand; and it is thus, in succession. These things were also seen in a gate. This hell is lower down. The gate of the hell of those who are in front at the right, appears quite high, and, in fact, in the plane of the armpit, under the upper aim. On the right hand, towards the front, are those who are in the knowledge of faith, but in an evil life, thus not in a life according to the precepts of faith.

Experientiae Spirituales 4642 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4642. Qui ad sinistrum linea obliquata paulum retrorsum, ad distantiam, sunt qui adigunt ad se colendum sicut deum, et qui alterum subjugare potest, is tam diu colitur, et sic successive, visi etiam in porta; hoc infernum est inferius. Qui antrorsum ad dextrum, porta eorum apparet satis alte, et quidem in plano axillae sub humero. Ad dextrum versus antrorsum sunt illi qui in scientia dei, at in vita mali, ita in nulla vita secundum praecepta dei.

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