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《灵界经历》 第4644节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4644

4644. About heaven in a person

The communication of heaven with a person is marvelous, and unless one is instructed by the Lord, it can never be known, or if known, it can never be believed. There is seldom an inflow of such a nature that it falls into noticeable thought, because this comes from spirits who are near the person, But the inflow is of this nature: people have within themselves what they believe and what moves their hearts, and then, when the angels who are with them are having similar [thoughts and feelings] and are talking about these things among themselves, cheerfulness, contentedness, and peace flow into these people. However, when such thoughts and feelings are not part of what a person believes and feels, sadness and unrest and the like flow in, and in no other way does this inflow come down into the thought of the person, who can be thinking of something totally different at the time. IӶe been taught about this at length by much experience, for I did not know the source of my sadness or the source of my cheerfulness when I was not thinking or speaking about such things as were caused by it, but then I perceived that this was the cause.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4644


The communication of heaven with man is wonderful; and, unless one is instructed by the Lord, it can never be known, nor, if known, believed. Influx is rarely of such a kind that it falls into manifest thought; for this [that falls into manifest thought] comes from spirits who are near man - but influx is of the following character. With man are such things as he believes, and by which he is affected from the heart. When the angels who are with him are in such things, and speak together concerning them, then inflows with the man cheerfulness, contentment, and tranquillity of mind; but, when such things are not in the faith and affection of the man, then inflows sadness and disquiet, and similar things; and this influx no otherwise falls into the thought of the man - who may be thinking of quite another matter, at the time. Concerning this, I have been at length instructed by much experience; for I did not know whence was sadness, and whence cheerfulness of mind, when I was not thinking or speaking, of such things as occasion them - but I then perceived that the cause was thence.

Experientiae Spirituales 4644 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4644. De coelo apud hominem

Communicatio coeli cum homine est mirabilis, et nisi instructus a Domino, nusquam potest sciri, nec si scitur, credi; raro est influxus talis, ut cadat in manifestam cogitationem, hoc enim a spiritibus qui prope hominem sunt, venit, sed influxus est talis, apud hominem sunt talia quae credit, et quibus ex corde afficitur, quando angeli qui apud illum, in talibus sunt, et de illis inter se loquuntur, tunc influit apud hominem animi hilaritas, contentum, et quies, cum autem talia non sint in fide et affectione hominis, tunc influit tristitia, et inquietudo, ac similia; et hoc non aliter cadit in hominis cogitationem, qui tunc potest, de prorsus alia re cogitare: de hoc per multam experientiam sum tandem instructus, non enim scivi unde tristitia, et unde hilaritudo animi, cum non cogitarem nec loquerer de talibus quae causantur, at tunc percepi quod inde causa.

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