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《灵界经历》 第4645节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4645

4645. This all shows that the feeling for truth and the will for good are heaven in a person. For when these are a person's pleasure and enjoyment, angels flow in and communicate the aura of their enjoyment and pleasure to the person, and produce it. It is the sharing of auras that does this, and one aura has communication with another according to their similarity.

The case is similar with evils; if evil spirits are speaking about what is delightful to a person, they feel delight and peace, but if otherwise, they feel disturbed and are not delighted.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4645

4645. From this it may be evident, that the affection of truth and the will of good, is heaven with man. When this is delightful and pleasant to man, then angels inflow and communicate to them [i. e., men] the sphere of their pleasantness and delight, and so produce [it in him]. It is the communication of spheres which causes it; and one sphere has communication with another, according to similitude. Similar is the case with the evil; if evil spirits speak of things agreeable to the man, then [men] have pleasantness and tranquillity; but, if otherwise, they have disquiet and unpleasantness.

Experientiae Spirituales 4645 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4645. Ex his constare potest, quod affectio veri et voluntas boni sit coelum apud hominem, cum id homini est amaenum et jucundum, tunc angeli influunt, et communicant sphaeram suae jucunditatis et amaenitatis cum illius, et sic [eam] producunt; est sphaerarum communicatio quae facit, et una sphaera cum altera secundum similitudinem habet communicationem. Similiter se habet cum malis, si spiritus mali loquuntur de jucundis hominis, illis est jucundum, et quietum, sin aliter est illis inquietum et injucundum.

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