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《灵界经历》 第4647节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4647

4647. About the hells

I was conducted through a hell beneath the hells of adulterers, where those were who had faith separate from charity and a life of evil, thus who were from the Church. And when I was being conducted through it, I was kept from thinking at all, and in this way I was protected from falsities stemming from evils being suggested and attacking. As I was being led through the hell, I felt like I was surrounded by water. It was this hell that is represented by the sea Suph. When I arrived at the other side, I came into thoughts about worldly matters, and I heard those who were there [saying that they] were in temptations, and it was granted me to comfort them. It is that place that is represented by the desert where the children of Israel were for forty years. It was dark there, and it was granted me to see nothing but to hear them speaking. After this I was led back from the upper side toward the left on the level of the shoulder blade or highest part of the back of the shoulder, and I saw that a pathway is there for those who are being freed from temptations and lifted up into heaven. It is that passage that is symbolized by the Jordan, which the children of Israel crossed over.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4647


I was conducted through a hell which was under the hell of adulterers, where were those who were in faith separated from charity and in a life of evil, thus, who were from the church; and when I was conducted through it, I was withheld from all thought, and, so, protected, lest falses from evils should be injected, and should infest me. When I was being conducted along, I felt, as it were, waters around me. This is the hell which is represented by the sea Suph. 1When I came to another region, then I came into thoughts concerning worldly things, and heard those who were there, saying that they were in temptations; and it was granted me to comfort them. That place is what is represented by the desert, where the sons of Israel were for forty years. It was dark there; it was not given me to see anything, but [only] to hear them speaking. Afterwards, I was conducted along back from the upper region, to the left, in the plain of the scapula, or highest part of the shoulder; and it was perceived that there is a way there for those who are liberated from [their] temptations, and elevated into heaven. It is that passage which is signified by the Jordan, which the sons of Israel crossed.


1. Called, in the Authorized English version of the Bible, "the Red Sea."

Experientiae Spirituales 4647 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4647. De infernis

Perductus sum per infernum quod sub infernis adulterorum, ubi illi qui in fide separata a charitate et in vita mali, ita qui ab Ecclesia fuerunt, et cum perductus per illud, detinebar ab omni cogitatione, et sic tutabar ne falsa ex malis injicerentur ac infestarent, cum perducebar sentiebam circum me sicut aquas; est infernum quod repraesentatum est per mare Suph, cum ad alteram partem veni, tunc in cogitationes de mundanis veni, et audivi illos qui ibi, quod in tentationibus essent, quos datum consolari, locus ille est qui repraesentatur per desertum, ubi filii Israelis 40 annis fuerunt; erat ibi obscurum, nihil videre datum, sed audire loquentes, postea perducebar a parte superiori ad sinistrum in planum scapuli seu summae partis humeri, retro, et perceptum quod ibi via sit illis qui e tentationibus liberantur et in coelum elevantur, transitus ille est qui significatur per Jordanem, quem filii Israelis transgressi.

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