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《灵界经历》 第4648节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4648

4648. About the hells

There was a certain one who in the world had delighted in provoking others and drawing angry responses so that he might have occasion to harm them. He or another like him appeared to me and wanted to make biting remarks, which he was accustomed to doing in the world. He appeared with a sword which nevertheless was not visible. He continually struck lightly at something in front of him. This [pictured] harassment and a constant will to do evil. But those who are seen with a double-edged sword have the sword attached to the left arm after [the sash] has been wrapped around and up the right arm and around the neck a number of times, which is a sign [of their status]. And those who have knives are also seen. This is seen after this.

[2] And they cannot get rid of them. This also is the case here. Afterwards he was sent down under the sole of the left foot, almost to the hell there, and I noticed how often he moved, and I heard a noise from below, like the noise of punishment. The source of this was that by many provocations and attempts to do evil, he had opened himself up to the hells that punish. Consequently then, when he went to another place, which is depicted when one is actively thinking about different things, such punishments begin there. This was often heard earlier, but I did not know the cause. He was transported toward the back through the hells of malicious demons, and even there as often as he went to another place, a similar noise was heard. In the end he was led still farther, until he came to the place where he himself would be punished as a result of his wanting to punish, or rather, do evil to others, so that the punishments came back on him just as often. Such is the lot of those who continually try to and in actual fact do provoke, injure, and do evil to others as far as they can and dare.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4648


There was a certain one, who, in the world, took pleasure in exasperating others, and leading them to reply in anger, that so he might have a handle for doing them ill. He, or another one like him, appeared to me, and wished to bite me, which was also a customary practice with him, in the world. It also appeared, that, with an axe, which was not then seen, he lightly turned over something continually before himself, which was, [or, represented] his exasperating conduct, and his perpetual wish to do ill. But, with those who appear with an axe, the axe is tied to the left arm. Afterwards [something else] is many times whirled round by the right arm, and by means of the neck, which is a sign that [these are the ones who] appear with an axe, and also who [appear] with knives. This appears afterwards; and they are not able to cast off [the appearance]. So also this one. He was afterwards let down under the sole of the left foot, almost to the hell there; and it was observed, that, as often as he moved himself, a noise was heard, beneath, like the noise of punishings which comes thence, because, by many exasperating actions, and endeavors to do evil, he had opened to himself the hells which punish; and so, it happened, that when he moved himself, which representation occurs when he thinks actively concerning others, such punishings commenced there. This was often heard before, but it was not granted to know the cause. He was transferred towards the back, to the hells of the malicious genii; and, there, likewise, as often as he moved himself a similar noise was heard. At length he was conducted still farther, until he came to that place, [i. e., the hells which punish], that he himself might be punished by the means by which he wished to punish or do ill to others, thus that they [i. e., his efforts] might as often return upon him. Such is the fate of those who continually endeavor, and as far as they can and dare, do actually harass, injure, and do ill to, others.

Experientiae Spirituales 4648 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4648. De infernis

Erat quidam qui in mundo jucundum habuit in lacessendo alios, et perducendo ad responsa irae, ut sic ansam haberet male faciendi illis, ille seu alius ei similis, apparuit mihi, et mordere volebat, quod etiam ei familiare fuit in mundo; apparebat etiam cum securi quae tamen non visa, quod jugiter leviter ante se percuteret aliquid, quod erat lacessitio et continua voluntas malefaciendi, sed qui cum securi apparent, illis alligatur securis ad brachium sinistrum, postquam convoluta est per brachium dextrum et per collum pluribus vicibus, quod signum est, quod appareant in securi, et quoque qui in cultris, hoc apparet postea, et non possunt rejicere; ita quoque hic; postea demissus est sub plantam pedis sinistri, paene ad infernum ibi, et animadversum, quoties is se moveret, quod audiretur strepitus infra, sicut strepitus punitionum; quod inde venit, quia per plures lacessitiones et conatus malefaciendi, aperuerit sibi inferna quae puniunt, et quod sic cum se moveret - quod repraesentatur cum cogitat active de aliis quod tales punitiones ibi exordirentur; hoc prius saepe auditum, sed non scivi causam; transferebatur versus tergum per inferna geniorum malitiosorum, et quoque ibi quoties se movebat, audiebatur similis strepitus, tandem adhuc ulterius perductus est, usque ut veniret illuc, quod ipse puniretur per id quod punire seu malefacere vellet aliis, sic ut toties redirent in illum; talis est sors illorum qui continuo conantur et actualiter quantum possunt et audent lacessunt alios, violant, et malefaciunt.

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