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《灵界经历》 第4661节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4661

4661. Further about the hells, adulterers

In the other life those who have been adulterers persecute marriages, annihilate them; they scarcely distinguish them from adulteries. They say that the institution of marriage is only for the sake of raising offspring, and besides, anyone is allowed to enjoy a wife, and doing this is not committing a sin. Such individuals are extremely numerous at this day and have been called out of the hells into the world of spirits, and this is happening because they are being called out by adulterers. They are multiplying greatly at the present day and especially from the region where the Church is, where a very great part of those who are of any importance do not believe there is anything holy in marriages and at heart laugh if anyone says they are holy, calling him simple. Such in the other life become insane like the rest of the infernal spirits, both those of the male sex and those of the female. I saw how numerous they were, and how insane. When it was suggested that there were married partners there [in the world of spirits], and that the partner was a beautiful young woman, they rushed off in troops as if insane, yes, as if raving mad, and wanted to break up marriages there. This is their character. But they were carried away by their blind impulse to the place where the hell was in which they were. It was in the back at some distance, because they were demons.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4661


In the other life, they who have been adulterers persecute marriages; they do away with them; they hardly discriminate them from adulteries. They say that the marriage state is only for the sake of training up offspring; and, moreover, that it is allowable to anyone to enjoy a wife, and this without sin. Such characters are exceedingly numerous at this day; and they are called forth from the hells into the world of spirits, and this because they are called forth by adulterers [still in the world]. They are exceedingly multiplied at the present day, especially from the region where the Church is; where, by far the greatest part who are of any condition, do not believe there is anything holy in marriages, and laugh in their heart if anyone says that they are holy. They also call [such people as say they are holy] simple. Such persons, in the other life, are insane like the rest of the infernals - both those of the male and those of the female sex. I saw how numerous they were, and what their insanity was. When it was insinuated into them that a married pair were there, and that the wife was fair and young, they rushed off, pell-mell, as if insane, yea, like madmen, and wished to dissolve marriages there. Such is their character; but they were carried away, by their blind fury, to the place where was the hell in which they were. They were backwards, at a distance, because they were genii.

Experientiae Spirituales 4661 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4661. Porro de infernis, adulteri

Qui adulteri fuerunt, in altera vita persequuntur conjugia, annihilant illa, vix distinguunt ab adulteriis, dicunt quod conjugiale sit solum sobolis educandae causa, et quod praeterea liceat cuivis frui uxore, et hoc absque peccato, tales hodie numero perplurimi sunt, et ab infernis evocati in mundo spirituum, et hoc ob causam quia evocantur ab adulteris, multiplicantur hodie valde, imprimis ex tractu ubi Ecclesia, ubi permaxima pars, quae ex aliqua conditione, non credunt aliquid sanctum in conjugiis, ac rident corde si quis dicit quod sancta sint, simplices eos vocant. Tales in altera vita insaniunt sicut reliqui infernales, tam ex sexu masculino quam ex faeminino; vidi quanto numero, et qua insania essent, cum illis insinuaretur quod ibi conjuges essent, et quod conjux pulchra et juvenis, ruebant catervatim sicut insani imo sicut furiosi, et ibi volebant conjugia dissolvere, tales sunt, sed ferebantur ex caeco suo impetu ad locum ubi infernum in quo essent, erat retrorsum ad distantiam, quia erant genii.

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