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《灵界经历》 第4662节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4662

4662. About the hells

About the arrogant

There is a hell in front at some distance toward the right where those are who have the insane notion that they are more than deities and that they have subdued heaven. When they appear, they don't look simply like giants, but like gigantic giants; and they see all the rest as little children or as dwarves below them. When they are in hell, they have the insane notion that heaven is beneath them and that they are ruling all things. There were some there who did not believe that there actually is such insanity, because they believed that since these had been people on earth, they were able to be somewhat rational. But they were not, because in their bodily life they had confirmed themselves against the truths of the Church and against God; and those who have confirmed their opposition to these and have despised others in comparison with themselves and continually aspired to high places, become such and are unable to recover from their insanity. The experience of laboring in vain to persuade them that they were becoming insane bore this out. They were also instructed from this that the more arrogant anyone is at heart toward others, that is, the more anyone is immersed in the love of self, the less able he is to become wise, so that so far as they have that love, so far they are removed from wisdom, and that wisdom flows in from the Lord only with those who are humble, who do not despise others in comparison with themselves, who favor the good, and who love the good from the heart.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4662


There is a hell in front, at a distance to the right, where are those who are in the insanity that they are more than deities, and that they have subjugated heaven. When the appear, they do not appear as giants, but as giants of giants, and they see all the others below themselves, like dwarfs, or like small shrubs. When these are in hell, they are in the insane notion that heaven is under them, and that they rule all things. There were some there who did not believe such an insanity could exist, because they believed [that], since they were men, they must be receptive of something of reason: but they were not able, because in the life of the body, they have confirmed themselves against the truths of the Church, and against God; and they who had confirmed themselves against these, and despised others in comparison with themselves, and have continually been arrogant, become such, nor can they recede from their insanity - which was demonstrated by this, that those [who had doubted their insanity] labored in vain to persuade them that they were insane. Hence, also, were they instructed that the more anyone is in heart haughty towards others, that is, in self-love, the less is he in the faculty of growing wise, so that they are removed from wisdom according to the degree of their love; and that wisdom from the Lord inflows only with those who are humble, who do not despise others in comparison with themselves, who favor what is good, and love good men from the heart.

Experientiae Spirituales 4662 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4662. De infernis

De superbis

Est infernum antrorsum ad distantiam ad dextram, ubi illi qui in insania quod plus quam numina, et quod subjugaverint coelum, cum apparent non ut gigantes apparent, sed sicut gigantum gigantes, et infra se vident omnes reliquos sicut parvulos, aut sicut myricas, illi cum in inferno sunt, in tali insania sunt quod coelum sit sub illis, et quod illi regant omnia; fuerunt ibi, qui non crediderunt quod talis insania daretur, quia credebant [quod] quia fuerint homines receptibiles essent alicujus rationis, sed non potuerunt, quia in vita corporis confirmarunt se contra vera Ecclesiae, et contra Deum, et qui se confirmaverant contra illa, et contemserant alios prae se, et continue alta spirarunt, tales unt, nec possunt ab insania redire, quod expertum per id quod illi frustra laborarent illis persuadere quod insanirent: inde quoque instructi fuerunt, quod quo plus aliquis corde superbit super alios, hoc est, in amore sui sit, eo minus est in facultate sapiendi, sic ut removeantur a sapientia secundum gradum amoris illius, et quod sapientia a Domino influat solum apud illos, qui humiles sunt, non contemnunt alios prae se, favent bonis, et amant bonos ex corde.

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