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《灵界经历》 第4663节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4663

4663. About the inhabitants of a planet in the universe

I was in a waking vision and was led in spirit to certain spirits who were from a certain planet in the universe, and as I was being led, first a quite bright, thick cloud appeared to me toward the right, and trailing after it as it were smoke like this mixed with something fiery which rose up quite high. The smoke was quite far away, and in the vision in spirit I was carried through it, and then down below very many demons appeared looking like people, but because I did not speak with them, it was not granted me to find out what they were like and what they were doing. This took place in the space between our solar system and the universe. Finally, after two hours' time, I arrived at the place, where I waited. Then spirits appeared above me who spoke with me, and I was able to realize that they were from another planet because they were utterly and completely different from the spirits of our earth.

They were surprised at first that anyone from a different planet would come to them, and they also discovered, after examining us, that we were outside the aura of our own planet. I asked them what God they worshipped, they said that they acknowledged a certain Angel, who often appears to them as an angelic person and teaches them, and also enables them to realize what ought be done and to know that the greatest God, who appears to their angel, is in the Sun there, and that He is too great for them to dare to worship. The angel whom they worshipped, because they did not dare to worship such a great God, was an angelic society in heaven to whom was given by the Lord to preside over them. Besides this they were kind, had good thoughts and were somewhat simple. Later on my sight was opened so that I could have somewhat of a look around that planet, and it appeared that there were many meadows and fleecy sheep and also forests with leafy trees.

[2] Some inhabitants there were also seen. Those of the lower class were dressed in clothing like that of the country people in Europe. In addition, two married people also appeared there, a woman and a man. In front she wore a kind of bodice that lay not directly on her breast but hung in front like a kind of (veil) behind which it could be concealed, but yet it was such that she could put her arms into it and in this fashion dress herself and go out, which she did. Her man also picked up his garment to show how they were dressed. He fastened it at his back, and the lower part was loosed, which fell to his feet like a toga, and dressed like this he walked about.

[3] They said that to them their sun appeared flaming like our sun, but not the same size, because I pictured to them what our sun is like and what color its flame is. That sun is a star, and I heard from the angels that it was among one of the smaller stars. They said that a starry sky was seen by them too.

[4] They sometimes see the angelic heaven, which was shown to me too. To them it appears as a small starry sky, but with golden stars in a quite bright background.

[5] But the spirits said that they do not have any other light there than one from a sort of flame that appeared to them. It was like the flame from a torch, quite fiery and golden yellow. This comes from the fact that they do not worship the greatest God, that is, the Lord, but an angel, so that they do not have light from the Sun of heaven, but from an angelic society; for an angelic society, when granted by the Lord, can present such light in a lower aura.

[6] I was told by angels that in the Grand Human being, those spirits relate to something in the Spleen, which was also shown by a motion like that of the spleen when they were flowing in.

[7] Beneath them was the hell of those who were from that same earth. A certain one of them was shown to me; he looked dreadful, so that he was utterly terrifying. I don't venture to describe his shape. There are also many sorceresses there, and those of them who have been sorceresses on their earth practice dreadful arts. One such was shown to me on that earth. She was dressed in a green garment, and when she appeared, I was filled with the kind of disgust one feels when something offensive comes into view.

[8] I was quite amazed when I saw those two partners, the man walked as if he were someone great, with a sort of pompous step and matching bearing, and the woman was humble. It was said that such was the custom on that earth, and that such men are loved, but that they are nevertheless good and love their partner quite tenderly, performing tender duties for her. It was also said that they are not permitted to have many wives and are content with one.

[9] I spoke with them about our earth since they were amazed that such things could be described on paper, that such things are known on our earth, and not, as far as is yet known, on others, and that on this planet there are sciences, which have been enlarged by the fact that they can be written down on paper and thus be left to others and posterity; and that consequently there are many technical arts on this planet, such as that of shipbuilding, and many others. It was granted me to tell them that the reason for this is that from the earliest times those on this earth have desired to become wise in such knowledge; that this was depicted by the tree of knowledge in paradise, and that because they had eaten of it, they therefore cannot be healed by any other means than by knowledge, thus by the knowledge of faith.

[10] I was then told by the angels that the Lord willed to be born on this earth, where Divine Truths are passed on in writings, and have been from earliest times, because in this way the truths of faith can be multiplied and preserved better here than on others. In the case of others the truths are only taught by parents and thus retained in the memory and then for the most part in the course of time lost. But it does not happen in this way here; consequently even the angels of heaven cannot only be perfected from the Word, but also feel the blessedness and happiness of life. For the Word read on this earth passes by correspondences even into heaven, as has been shown. In this way too, the truths of faith can be shared with the angels of other planets. This is the reason why the Lord willed to be born here, and while in the world to become the Divine Truth, that is, the Word, and after this the Divine Good, that is, Jehovah.

[11] On this earth more than on others there are sciences and arts entirely unknown elsewhere, namely, the sciences of Physics in general, Chemistry, Medicine, optics, astronomy, geometry, philosophy, about which elsewhere they know absolutely nothing; and skilled arts like metal casting, sculpture, painting, music, shipbuilding, carriages, magnificent palaces of stone, marble, mirrors, besides many arts devoted to use and pleasure. They are not only skilled in these but also have communication with distant regions by means of ships and share the merchandise of other regions with others, likewise their arts and sciences too. When these are discovered and known by one, they are shared with all others by books and writings, and the things that are known in one region are also shared with those in another. Even the things that the ancients knew, these too are known by their posterity, for their writings remain. This is why the Word could be given particularly on this earth, and the truths of faith, because [they could be known] by many at the same time, and on and on through the ages and so be multiplied, which could not happen elsewhere.

4665. 1

# # I wondered who those might be who were in the boundary in the middle between this solar system and the universe. There was a multitude, and again I was let down near to that place, and one of them there said to me that they are a guard lest anyone go out from this world into those outside it, and that they at once gather from a perception whether those individuals have been granted by the Lord to pass over that middle gap. This had also been confirmed to me on a former occasion when a certain spirit wanted to cross over it with me. But when he came there, he cried out that he was perishing and also was just as those who are in the agony of death. He attempted this again, and the same thing happened, with him crying out in the same way.


1. This paragraph has been relocated as the author indicated using ## signs.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4663


(I was in a waking vision, and was led as to my spirit to certain spirits who were from a certain earth in the universe; and, while I was being led, there appeared to me, on the right, first, a rather bright and thick cloud, and thereafter, as it were, smoke mingled with something fiery, which ascended quite high. There was such a smoke to a considerable distance. I was borne through it, as to my spirit, in the vision; and then appeared, beneath, very many genii, like men; but, as I did not speak with them, it was not granted me to know what is their quality, and what they did there. This was in the interstice between the world of our sun, and the universe.) (At length, after two hours' time, I arrived at a place, where I tarried. Then, there appeared above me, spirits who spoke with me; and I could observe that they were from another earth, because they differed completely and manifestly from the spirits of our earth. They wondered, at first, that anyone from another earth should come to them; and they also, after exploration, ascertained that we were outside the sphere of their earth. I asked what God they worshipped: they said that they acknowledged a certain angel, who often appears to them as an angelic man and teaches them, and also gives them to perceive what they should do; and that they know that there is, in the sun there, the supreme God, who appears to His angel, and that He is too great for them to venture to adore. The angel whom they worshipped, since they dared not then worship the supreme God, was an angelic society in heaven, to whom it was granted, by the Lord, that they should preside over them. For the rest, they were modest; and they were well-disposed and somewhat simple. There was also seen a woman of fine stature and becoming carriage. Afterwards, my sight was opened there, so that I was able to look a little into that earth; and it appeared that there were many fields, and fleecy sheep: further, also, that there were forests with leafy trees. The woman appeared of fine stature and becoming carriage. Some of the inhabitants of the lower class, there, also appeared. They were clothed in a dress like the rustics in Europe. Moreover, there also appeared there, two married people, husband and wife. She wore in front, as it were, a stomacher, which was not on the breast; but, just in front of the breast, was placed as it were a certain [article of apparel], behind which [the breast] could be concealed; but, still, it was so arranged that she could insert her arms, and so clothe herself, and go out. This also was done. Her husband also put it on, to show how they [the men] were clothed, and placed it on his back; and then the lower part was loosened, and flowed down to the feet, like a toga; and, thus clothed, he walked about.)

(They said that, to them, their sun appeared flaming, just like our sun, but it was not of that size for I represented to them the character of our sun, and of what color its flame was. That sun is a star; and I have heard from angels, that it was a star of the lesser magnitude; they said, besides, that a starry heaven also appears to them.) (Sometimes, there appears to them the angelic heaven, which was also shown me. It appears to them like a small starry heaven, but with golden stars, in a quite bright light.) (But the spirits said that they do not have there any light, save from a certain flame which appears to them, which was like the flame of a torch, quite fiery and yellow. This comes from the fact that they do not adore the supreme God that is, the Lord, but an angel. Hence their light is not from the sun of heaven, but from an angelic society: for an angelic society, when it is granted by the Lord, can present such a light, in a lower sphere.)

(It was said by angels, that, in the Grand Man, they [the people of the earth in question] relate to something in the spleen, which was also shown by a movement, as it were a trembling, when they inflowed.) Under them, was the hell of those who are from the same earth. A certain one was shown me, who appeared very hideous, so that he terrified me greatly. I dare not describe his form. There, also, are many sorceresses; and those of them who have been sorceresses in their earth, practice dreadful arts. A certain one of such a character was shown to me in that earth: she was dressed in a green garment; and, when she appeared, I was filled with such a disgust as [is experienced] when anything loathsome appears to the sight. (I wondered exceedingly, when I saw those two married people, that the husband walked as if he were a grandee, with a sort of pompous step and the like bearing, and that the woman was humble. It was said that such is the custom in that earth; and that husbands who are of such a character are beloved; but, nevertheless, that they are still good, and love their partner quite tenderly, and perform tender offices for her. It was also said, that it is not permitted them to have several wives; and that they are content with one.) (Since they wondered that such things can be described in writing, I spoke with them concerning our earth: that such things are known in our earth; and that, so far as is yet known, it is not so in other earths; also, that in this earth are sciences, which are increased by being capable of inscription in writings, and so left to others and to posterity, and that hence are many arts in this earth, as for example, the art of constructing ships, and many other things. It was granted me to tell them the reason; [namely], that, from the earliest times, those in this earth wished to be wise in such things, and that this was represented by the tree of knowledge in paradise; and that, because they had eaten thereof, therefore they cannot be made healthy [spiritually] by other means than by sciences, thus by the scientifics which are of faith.) (It was then told me, by the angels, that the Lord willed to be born in this earth, where divine truths are handed down by means of writings even from the earliest times, because, in this manner, the truths of faith could here be multiplied and preserved better than with others: but, with others, these truths are only learnt from parents, and so retained in the memory, and then very many things perish in the lapse of time; but, here, it is not so. Thus, also, the angels of heaven are able not only to be perfected from the Word, but also to perceive blessedness and happiness of life: for the Word, read in this earth, passes, by correspondences, even into heaven, as was shown. Thus, also, can the truths of faith be communicated to the angels of other earths. This is the reason that the Lord willed to be born here, and to become, while he was in the world, the Divine truth, that is, the Word, and afterwards the Divine Good, that is, Jehovah.) (In this earth, more than in other earths, there are sciences and arts quite unknown elsewhere: [the following] sciences, to wit, the physical sciences in general, chemistry, medicine, optics, astronomy, geometry, and philosophy, whereof they know nothing at all elsewhere; [the following] arts, for example, the smeltings of metals, the art of sculpture, of painting, music, the art of constructing ships, carriages, magnificent buildings and palaces out of stone and marble, and mirrors; besides very many arts, which are for use and pleasure. Not only are they [in this earth] skilful in these, but they also have communication, by means of ships, with distant regions; and the gains of different regions are distributed to others. Similarly with the arts, and also with the sciences. These, when invented and known by one person, are communicated, by means of books and writings, to all others; and the things which are known in one region are likewise communicated to those who are in another; and those things which the ancients knew, are also known to posterity; for writings remain. For which reason also, and especially, the Word and the truths of faith, could be given in this earth, because [they could be known] in many [places] at the same time, and successively through the ages; and so could be multiplied, which could not happen elsewhere. * *)

Experientiae Spirituales 4663 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4663. De incolis telluris in universo

Eram in visione vigili et ductus sum quoad spiritum ad quosdam spiritus qui ex tellure quadam in universo erant, et cum ducebar primum apparuit mihi ad dextrum nubes candidior densa, et post illam sicut fumus mixtus aliquo igneo, qui ascendebat satis alte, erat fumus talis ad multam distantiam, per illum ferebar quoad spiritum in visione, et tunc apparuere subter perplures genii sicut homines, sed quia non loquutus sum cum illis, non datum est scire quales illi et quid facerent, hoc erat in interstitio inter mundum nostri solis et universum, tandem post bihorii tempus perveni ad locum, ubi morabar, tunc apparebant supra me spiritus, qui mecum loquuti, et potui animadvertere quod essent ex alia tellure, quia differebant prorsus et plane a spiritibus nostrae 60 telluris, mirati sunt primum quod aliquis ex alia tellure ad illos veniret, et illi quoque post explorationem compererunt quod nos extra sphaeram telluris sui essemus, quaerebam quem Deum colerent, dicebant quod agnoscerent aliquem Angelum, qui sicut angelicus homo illis saepe apparet et docet, et quoque dat illis percipere quid faciendum, et quod sciant quod maximus Deus sit in Sole ibi, qui apparet angelo suo, et quod Ille major sit quam ut ausint illum adorare; angelus quem colebant, quia non ausi sunt colere tam maximum Deum, erat societas angelica in coelo, cui a Domino datum est, ut praeessent illis. Caeteroquin erant modesti, et bene cogitabant, aliquantum simplices; etiam est faemina, quae statura pulchra et gestu decoro, postmodum aperiebatur mihi visus ibi ut aliquantum spectare possem in tellurem illam, et apparebat quod prata essent plura, et quod lanigerae oves, tum quoque quod sylvae cum arboribus foliaceis; apparebat faemina statura pulchra, et gestu decoro.

[2] Incolae etiam quidam ibi apparebant, qui vilioris sortis erant induti erant veste sicut rustici in Europa: praeterea etiam ibi apparebant duo conjuges, faemina et vir, illa habebat ante se quasi pectorale quod erat non ad pectus sed ante pectus positum sicut quoddam (abscosum) post quod abscondi posset, sed usque erat tale ut inserere posset brachia, et sic se induere, at abire, quod etiam factum; vir etiam ejus sumebat id, ut ostenderet quomodo vestirentur, et applicabat id tergo suo, et tunc pars inferior solvebatur, quae defluebat ad pedes sicut toga, et sic ambulabat vestitus.

[3] Dicebant quod apud illos appareret illorum sol flammeus sicut noster sol, sed non illa magnitudine, repraesentabam enim illis qualis noster sol, et quo colore ammeus esset, ille sol est stella, et ab angelis audivi quod esset stella inter minores, dicebant etiam quod coelum stelquoque appareat.

[4] Apparet illis quandoque coelum angelicum, quod etiam mihi ostensum, illis id apparet sicut parvum coelum stelliferum, sed cum stellis aureis, in satis lucido.

[5] Spiritus autem dicebant, quod non ibi habeant aliam lucem quam a quadam flamma quae apparet illis, quae erat sicut flamma ex facula, satis ignea et flava; hoc venit ex eo, quod non adorent maximum Deum, hoc est, Dominum, sed angelum, inde illis non lux ex Sole coeli, sed ex societate angelica, nam societas angelica, cum datur a Domino, talem lucem potest sistere in sphaera inferiore.

[6] Dictum ab angelis, quod referant in Maximo Homine aliquid in Liene, quod etiam ostensum est per motum quasi lienarem, cum influebant.

[7] Sub illis erat infernum illorum qui ab eadem tellure, quidam mihi ostensus, qui apparebat teterrimus, sic ut terrefaceret maxime; formam ejus describere non ausim. Ibi sunt quoque magae plures, et quae illorum fuerunt magae in tellure, illae exercent diras artes; quaedam talis ostensa mihi est in tellure illa, erat induta veste viridi, et cum apparebat [me] occupabat aversatio qualis cum apparet tetrum visui.

[8] Miratus sum maxime, cum viderem binos illos conjuges, quod vir ambularet sicut magnificus, gressu quasi fastuoso, et simili gestu, et quod mulier esset humilis, dicebatur quod talis mos in illa tellure, et quod viri qui tales amentur, sed tamen usque quod boni sint, et ament suam conjugem, satis tenere, et officia ei tenera raestent. Dictum etiam quod non permissum illis sit habere plures uxores, et quod contenti sint una.

[9] Loquutus cum illis de nostra tellure cum mirarentur quod describi in charta talia possent, quod in nostra tellure talia sciantur, et quod non, quantum adhuc notum est, in aliis, et quod in hac tellure scientiae sint, quae auctae sunt per quod inscribi charta possint, et sic relinqui aliis et posteris, et quod inde artes plures in hac tellure, sicut construendi naves et plures aliae, causam illis dicere datum est, quod a primo tempore talia sapere in hac tellure voluerint, et quod id repraesentatum sit per arborem scientiae in paradiso, ex qua quia comederant, ideo non per aliud sanari possunt quam per scientias, ita per scientifica quae fidei.

[10] Dictum mihi tunc ab angelis est, quod Dominus voluit nasci in hac tellure, ubi Vera Divina tradita sunt per scripta, et sic a primis temporibus, quia sic vera fidei hic prae apud alios multiplicari possent, et conservari, apud alios modo discuntur a parentibus et sic retinentur in memoria, et tunc pleraque successu temporis pereunt, hic autem non ita, sic etiam angeli coeli ex Verbo non solum possunt perfici, sed etiam percipere vitae beatum et felix, nam Verbum lectum in hac tellure transit usque in coelum per correspondentias, ut ostensum est, ita quoque vera fidei possunt communicari cum angelis aliarum tellurum, haec causa est, quod Dominus hic voluit nasci, ac fieri dum in mundo fuit Verum Divinum, hoc est, Verbum, et postea Divinum Bonum, hoc est, Jehovah.

[11] In hac tellure plus quam in aliis telluribus sunt scientiae et artes, prorsus alibi incognitae, scientiae nempe Physica in genere, Chymica, Medica, optica, astronomica, geometrica, philosophica, de quibus prorsus nihil sciunt alibi; artes sicut fusiones metallorum, sculpturae, picturae, musica, naves construendi, currus, aedificia magnifica et palatia ex saxis, marmore, specula, praeter artes perplures quae usui et voluptati sunt; haec nec solum callent, habent etiam communicationes per naves cum dissitis regionibus, et merces aliarum regionum communicantur aliis, artes similiter, et quoque scientiae, quae enim inventae sunt et sciuntur ab uno communicantur per libros et scripta cum omnibus aliis, et quae sciuntur in una regione, etiam communicantur cum illis qui in alia; etiam quae sciverunt antiqui, haec sciunt etiam posteri, nam scripta manent. Quare etiam imprimis in hac tellure potuit Verbum dari, et vera dei, quia a pluribus simul et successive per aeva, et sic multiplicari, quod non alibi fieri potuit. # #

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