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《灵界经历》 第4664节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4664

4664. There are those from every Church who believe their doctrinal tenets to be true above those of others

Faith alone

There were certain spirits from one Church, and they wholly believed their own doctrinal tenets to be true and those of the rest wrong. Then in order that they might be convinced that this was not the case, many were brought to them from different religions, finally even Socinians, Anabaptists, Quakers, and Jews, and each one of them claimed their doctrinal tenet to be true, and that of the rest to be false, whereupon they were convinced that they were in error, and that in whatever Church they had been born, they ought to search out from the Word whether they were in the truth; but then, they must have the life of charity toward the neighbor and the love of God as their principal tenet, for unless this is the principal, there is no enlightenment.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4664


There were certain spirits from one Church; and they fully believed their own doctrinals were true, and those of the rest [of mankind] erroneous. Then, in order that they might be convinced that it was not so, many were brought to them from a different religion; and, at length, Socinians, Anabaptists, Quakers, Jews. Everyone of these affirmed his doctrinal to be true, and that of the rest to be false. Hence they were convinced that they were in error; and that, in whatever Church they were born, they ought to inquire, out of the Word, whether they are in truth; but, then, they ought to have the life of charity towards the neighbor and love to God for a principle; for, unless there is this principle, there is no illustration.

Experientiae Spirituales 4664 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4664. Quod qui ab aliqua Ecclesia credant sua doctrinalia prae aliorum esse vera

Sola fides

Quidam erant ex una Ecclesia, et credebant prorsus sua doctrinalia vera esse, et reliquorum erronea, tunc ut convincerentur quod non ita esset, adducebantur plures ad illos, ex diversa religione, etiam tandem Sociniani, Anabaptistae, Quakeri, Judaei, unusquisque illorum dicebat suum doctrinale esse verum, et reliquorum esse falsum, inde evincebantur quod in errore essent, et quod in quacunque Ecclesia nati sint, e Verbo inquirere debeant, num in vero sint, sed pro principio tunc habituros vitam charitatis erga proximum, et amorem in Deum, nam nisi hoc principium, nulla est illustratio.

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