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《灵界经历》 第4665节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4665

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4665

4665. 1(I wondered who those were, who were in the middle of the boundary between this world and the universe. There was a multitude; and I was again carried down near to that place; and one there told me that they are a guard lest anyone goes from this world to them who are beyond; and that they at once discover, from perception, whether it is granted them by the Lord to cross over that intermediate space. This was also confirmed to me on a former occasion. Then, a certain spirit wished to cross over thither with me; but, when he came thither, he shouted aloud that he was perishing, and also he was like those who are in the agony of death. This he attempted again, and a similar thing occurred - he shouting out in the same manner.)


1. In the Latin edition of Spiritual Experiences, there is a footnote at the beginning of this passage, and the following footnote text: "huc paragraphum hanc conformiter auctoris indiciis transtulimus." - NCBS Editor.

Experientiae Spirituales 4665 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4665. # # 1

Miratus sum quinam illi essent qui in medio termino inter hunc mundum et universum essent, erat multitudo, et iterum prope illuc delatus, et dicebat ibi unus ad me, quod sint tutela, ne quis vadat ex hoc mundo in illos qui extra sunt, et quod comperiant illico ex perceptione, num illis datum sit a Domino transire id meditullium: hoc quoque conrmatum est mihi priori vice, tunc quidam spiritus voluit mecum transire illuc, sed cum illuc venit, clamavit valde quod pereat et quoque fuit sicut qui in agone mortis sunt, hoc iterum tentavit, et obvenit simile, clamans similiter.


1. huc paragraphum hanc conformiter auctoris indiciis transtulimus

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