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《灵界经历》 第4666节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4666

4666. About those who have a general idea

I was given to know the reasons why certain ones have a general idea which is nevertheless focused on specific things. Most have an evil idea, but there are also some who have a good one. The former are those who have been by themselves and have thought a great deal and certainly focused on things, either household affairs or about business, or in the case of the part who are evil, about deceitful practices, how they are going to make excessive profits, are going to deceive others. And when these focused ideas are not there, they then have so to speak none, except only a general one about such things. The good, who think a great deal about faith, about heaven, [think] in focused terms, and meanwhile are entertaining a general idea of these, and are not then distracted to other things.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4666


It was granted me to know the reasons why some are in a general idea, which yet is determinate. The great part are in an evil general idea: some, also, in one that is good. They are those who have been solitaries, and have thought much, and indeed determined, concerning matters, either domestic affairs, or concerning commerce, or, on the part of the evil, concerning crafty plans, how they may acquire immoderate profits or deceive others; and, when these ideas are not determinate, then they are as it were in no idea, because only in a general idea of such things. The good, who think much concerning faith, and concerning heaven, also [think] determinately, and are in the general idea of these things between-whiles; nor are they then turned aside to other things.

Experientiae Spirituales 4666 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4666. 1

De illis qui in idea communi sunt

Datum est scire causas unde quidam in communi idea sunt, quae tamen determinata est, multa pars in communi idea mala, aliqui etiam in bona; sunt illi, qui solitarii fuerunt, et multum cogitarunt, et quidem determinate de rebus, sive domesticis, sive de mercatura, sive in mala parte, de rebus dolosis, quomodo lucraturi immodice, decepturi alios, et cum determinatae illae ideae non sunt, tunc quod sint quasi in nulla, quin in communi talium; boni qui cogitant multum de fide, de coelo, determinate, et interea in communi illorum idea sunt, nec deflectuntur tunc ad alia.


1. 4665 invenias conformiter auctoris indiciis post 4663 insertum

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