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《灵界经历》 第4668节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4668

4668. About the hells

There are many spirits who want to come back into the world, and they seek for where people are and perceive [this] to a certain extent, and when they come there, they burn with a passion to enter into a person and possess him, that is, lead his speech and actions. Those who have loved worldly, earthly things and shuddered at the notion of a life after death, because they would then lose all the enjoyment of life, become spirits like this. However, such spirits are sent away by Lord's Providence to places far from the spirits who are with people on earth, and there some of them are hidden away quite deep down. The place to which they are sent back appears as if at the extremity of solar system.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4668


There are many spirits who wish to return into the world; and they inquire, and, to a certain extent, come to know where men are; and when they come thither, they burn with a desire to enter into man, and obsess him, that is, to lead his speech and his actions. Such do those spirits become, who have loved mundane and earthly things; and they have been horrified at [the thought of] a life after death, because they would thus lose all the delight of their life. But such are remitted, of the Lord's providence, into places far away from the spirits who are with men; and there, some of them are hidden quite deeply. The place to which they are remitted, appears as if in the extremity of our solar world.

Experientiae Spirituales 4668 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4668. De infernis

Sunt plures spiritus, qui redire volunt in mundum, et quaerunt ubi homines, etiam aliquantum percipiunt, et cum illuc veniunt cupiditate flagrant intrandi in hominem, et obsidendi illum, hoc est ejus loquelam et ejus actiones ducere, illi fiunt tales spiritus, qui amaverunt mundana et terrestria, et horruerint ad vitam post mortem, quia sic jucundum vitae omne amissuri; sed tales ex Providentia Domini remittuntur in loca e longinquo a spiritibus qui apud homines, et ibi reconduntur quidam satis profunde, locus quo remittuntur apparet sicut in extremitate mundi nostri solaris.

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