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《灵界经历》 第467节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

467.被称为沼泽的那个海是对那些反对天上的真理,反对独一中保自己,耶稣基督之人的惩罚。这是一个相当合乎逻辑的结果:他们的幻觉要变成这样一个沼泽;因为这样,至高无上的东西会滚到最低之处,那些具有这种秉性的人身体上会经历惩罚的痛苦。因为他们以之为真实的幻觉的确变得真实,以那种你从前面(376-77, 461节)关于幻觉的说明中所看到的方式折磨他们。(1748年1月11日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 467

467. That sea which is called a swamp is the punishment of those who set themselves against heavenly truth, and against the One and Only Mediator Himself, Jesus Christ. It is a quite logical result that their fantasy should turn into such a swamp, for thus the very highest turns around to the very lowest, and those who are of this character physically experience the pains of punishment. For their fantasy, which they had thought to be real, does become real, and torments them in a way you may find described in earlier accounts about fantasy [376-377, 461]. 1748, the 11th day of January (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 467

467. That that sea which is called a lake is the punishment of those who oppose themselves to heavenly truth, and to the one only Mediator Himself, Jesus Christ, follows entirely from the conversion of their phantasy into such a [lake]; for thus that which was supreme is rolled down to the bottom, and those who are such sensibly experience the pains of punishment, for their phantasy which they suppose to be real, also becomes real, and torments them in that way, as you may see from what was before said concerning phantasy. 1748, Jan. 11, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 467 (original Latin 1748-1764)

467. Quod mare illud quod vocatur stagnum, sit poena eorum qui se opponunt veritati coelesti, Ipsique Mediatori Unico, Jesui Christo, id sequitur prorsus ex phantasiae conversione in talem, nam sic volvitur supremum ad imum, et qui tales sunt, sensibiliter experiuntur dolores punitionis, nam phantasia eorum, quam realem putarunt, etiam realis fit, et cruciat eos eo modo, ut prius de phantasia dictum videas [376, 377, 461]. 1748, d. 11 Jan. st. v.

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