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《灵界经历》 第468节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 468

468. About the realm between opposites

From manifold experience, I have learned that souls and spirits, once they are convinced of the truth, are for the most part, and almost always, carried away into things contrary, and so, into doubts about truths. The experience I have had in heaven in this regard is so extensive, that it would be a lengthy undertaking to relate it.

The reason for this is that one should not be convinced of the truth by visual persuasion, just as one should not be by miracles - also, that a greater field [of thought] has to be acquired, rendering the person flexible; besides further reasons, which I am not being given at this time. 1748, the 12th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 468


From very much experience I have learnt that when souls and spirits are once persuaded of a truth, for the most part and almost always, they are carried away into things contrary, and thus into doubts concerning truths. The experience given me in heaven concerning these things is so multiple that it would be tedious to narrate it. The reason of this is that man ought not to be persuaded concerning truth by visible persuasions, thus not by miracles; furthermore, that a great sphere must be acquired, whereby man is rendered flexible, besides many things which are not now given me [to relate]. 1748, Jan. 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 468 (original Latin 1748-1764)

468. De sphaera inter opposita

Ex multiplici experientia edoctus sum, quod animae et spiritus, dum semel persuadentur de veritate, plerumque, et fere semper, in contraria ferantur, et sic in dubitationes de veritatibus, experientia tam multiplex in coelo de iis mihi facta est, ut prolixum foret enarrare; causa est, quia non a persuasionibus visualibus, sicut non a miraculis persuaderi de veritate debeat homo, tum quod sphaera major comparanda sit, inde flexibilis redditur homo, praeter plura, quae mihi nunc non dantur. 1748, die 12 Jan.

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