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《灵界经历》 第466节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 466

466. The star in the zenith fell down with the rest

Today at about ten o'clock, that star which fantasized itself to be the sun for the rest [461], together with several round about, fell from their place, and in fact, forward to the right, toward a certain sea. To this they were guided down, so that they would look into the sea - which is a swamp.

But this still continues, for he had often been warned to stop, as well by threats and punishments, as by persuasion. He was even thrust down from heaven and severely, though very briefly, punished. Besides, he was sent for several days to wander around (once even, spirited away by God the Messiah, he was hidden) and to search for his companions, and so on; but it was still in vain.

For he had for such a long time been soaking in every kind of cunning, that it became second nature to him. And so he works as if by instinct, and quite slyly, depending on the circumstances: at one time flatteringly, at another imploringly, and often, most threateningly. But because it has become so ingrained, one cannot tell whether there is any hope for change in him. At times of danger and fear, he changes quickly, and says prayers, but he presently returns to his fantasies.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 466


Today, about the hour of ten, that star [n. 461, which from phantasy supposed itself to be the sun of the rest, together with some around it, fell from its place, and indeed in front to the right to a certain sea, to which they were led in order that they might look into the sea - which is a lake. But he still continues; for he is often admonished, both by threats and punishments, and by persuasion that he should desist; he was even thrust down from heaven and punished in a severe manner, but for a very short time. Besides this, he was for some days sent to wander about, (once also having been withdrawn by God Messiah, he was concealed), and he sought his companions and the like things, but as yet in vain, because he has for so long a time been imbued with all cunning which has become natural to him, and so he operates as from instinct, and indeed deceitfully. As opportunity offers, he acts sometimes with flattery, sometimes with prayers, often with the severest threats. But because he is thus imbued, it cannot be known whether there is any hope of his conversion. In states of danger and fear, he quickly converts himself and engages in prayers, but he soon returns to his phantasies.

Experientiae Spirituales 466 (original Latin 1748-1764)

466. Quod stella in zenith cum reliquis ceciderint

Hodie circiter ad horam 10, ea stella, quae se solem reliquarum ex phantasia putabat [461], cum aliquibus circum, e loco suo lapsi sunt quidem antrorsum dextram, mare quoddam, quod deducti, ut spectarent in mare, quod est stagnum, sed hoc adhuc durat, nam saepius admonitus est tam minis, poenis, quam persuadendo, ut desisteret, imo detrusus a coelo gravi modo, sed brevissime punitus; praeterea, missus per aliquot dies, ut circumvagaretur, semel etiam subductus a Deo Messia, latuit 1

, et quaereret socios, et similia, sed incassum adhuc, quia per tantum temporis imbutus est omni astutia, quae facta ei naturalis, et sic operatur ut ex instinctu, et quidem subdole; sicut tempus dat, jam blanditer, jam cum precibus, saepe cum gravissimis minis; sed quia ita imbutus est, non sciri potest, an aliqua spes conversionis penes eum sit; cito se in periculis et timore convertit, et agit precibus, mox autem redit ad phantasias.


1. interlineale supra et quaereret...similia postscriptum in the Manuscript

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