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《灵界经历》 第4676节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4676

4676. Many of those who are in that middle heavenly kingdom are from the gentiles of the Asian 1regions, and very many of these have been converted to the Christian religion by missionaries. These, when they acknowledge the Lord and thus receive faith, believe in the Lord and do not care about those complicated questions and disputes regarding faith, whether it saves, or whether charity does, or regarding the Pope, whether he is the head of the Church, but live as Christians. The spirits there are for the most part these gentiles, and they enjoy eternal blessedness, a blessedness and wisdom that can never be described, nor be believed by anyone on account of its superiority.


1. Presumably a region bordering on the modern Middle East.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4676

4676. Many of those who are in that middle celestial kingdom, are from the gentiles, from Asiatic regions; and very many of them have been converted to the Christian religion by missionaries. These, when they acknowledge the Lord, and so receive faith, believe in the Lord, and do not care for those intricate questions and disputes concerning faith, whether it, or whether charity, is saving, nor concerning the Pope, whether he is the head of the Church; but they live as Christians. These, for the most part, are there, and enjoy eternal blessedness; a blessedness and wisdom which can never be described, nor believed, by anyone, on account of its superiority.

Experientiae Spirituales 4676 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4676. Qui in coelesti illo regno medio sunt, multi eorum sunt ex gentilibus, ex regionibus asiaticis, et perplures eorum qui conversi sunt ad religionem Christianam per emissarios, illi cum agnoscunt Dominum et sic recipiunt fidem, credunt in Dominum, nec curant intricatas illas quaestiones et disputationes de fide num illa salvet vel num charitas, nec de Papa num ille sit caput Ecclesiae, sed vivunt ut Christiani; illi ibi sunt quoad plurimam partem, et beatitudine aeterna fruuntur, beatitudine et sapientia quae nusquam describi potest, nec ab ullo credi ob ejus superioritatem.

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