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《灵界经历》 第469节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 469

469. About the Jews called together by Jacob, and about the greedy in general

The Jacob who is now above my head, occupies that vertical position in place of him who let himself down from there and submitted himself. Because he had been deprived of worshippers he is reclining in his usual manner on his bed, grandiose, summoning the rest to his bed [see 462]. Many of the Jews came to him as he was thus lying down, which I sensed through much of the night by the stench of mice.

When I could no longer bear it, it was asked in the heaven of spirits whence that stench came. Some declared that they had been troubled by the same smell, but as a result of inquiry, it was found that they were Jews who had been lifted up out of their own rooms, as it seems to them, to Jacob, before whom many were thus gathered together. Thence came the stench of mice.

Jacob told that he was surrounded by so many mice, that he could not stand them any longer, whereupon, being almost ejected from his bed, he betook himself downwards.

Those same people were complaining, because they had not stayed in their rooms, where their money was, which they were afraid thieves might take away.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 469


Jacob - who is now above my head and occupies a vertical situation in the place of him who let himself down thence and was made subject - reclining as usual on a bed, because he was deprived of worshippers [made himself] great, and others were invited to his heaven. Many of the Jews came to him as he thus lay, which I perceived during a great part of the night from the stench of mice. When I could bear it no longer, inquiry was made in the heaven of spirits whence came this stench. Some said that they themselves were grievously affected by it. But after inquiry it was found that they were Jews, who, as it seemed to themselves, had been raised up out of their cells to Jacob, to whom many were thus gathered together; hence the stench of mice. Jacob stated that he was surrounded by so many mice that he could bear them no longer; wherefore having been as it were cast out of his bed, he betook himself downwards. Those same Jews lamented that they had not remained in their cells, where their money was, which they feared thieves would carry off.

Experientiae Spirituales 469 (original Latin 1748-1764)

469. De Judaeis convocatis a Jacobo, et de avaris in genere

Jacobus qui nunc super caput meum est, et verticalem locum occupat, loco ejus qui inde se demisit, subjecitque: ille, quia destitutus erat adoratoribus, decumbens, ut solitus in lecto suo [vide 462], magnus, ad lectum ejus invitantur reliqui, ad eum sic jacentem venerunt multi ex Judaeis, quod per noctem multam percepi foetore murum, quem cum amplius non sustinere potuissem, inquisitum erat in coelo spirituum, unde foetor iste; quidam se ajebant eodem graviter affectos, sed post inquisitionem inventum est, quod essent Judaei, qui ex cellis suis, ut sibi videntur, elevati essent, ad Jacobum, ad quem sic multi collecti, inde foetor murum; Jacobus id narrabat, quod muribus tot circum funderetur, ut eos non amplius sustinere potuisset, quare e lecto suo quasi ejectus deorsum se contulit; iidem querebantur quod non mansissent in cellis suis, ubi eorum pecuniae, quas timebant, quod fures auferrent.

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