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《灵界经历》 第4683节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4683

4683. About the hells

There was a certain one who in the world had had [an understanding of] truth from some good quality, (Lagerberg 1). He went forward in a nearly straight line and noted what he saw there. He told me that he saw separate regions where there was a multitude of spirits in a commotion and in various ways in the [different] regions. And he became aware that in the middle there was a vague something, which he was told was the earthly person around whom they are. And subsequently it was reported by the angels, that there are such commotions around every person because a person on earth is the lowest and last plane. They reported also and that at the present day there are such commotions around the people of the Church, to the greatest extent from the hells, for the people were seen in the plane of the sole of the foot, and the hells are below that plane. Spirits do not know that a person is [there], nor does the person know that spirits are around him. He said that there were many hells beneath those in which they are, and that it is those who are above in the world of spirits who are making such a commotion into the aura [around the person]. It appears thus, as an aura, by a spiral winding around to the center where that vague something, rather, that person, is.


1. Sven Lagerberg, Swedish general and senator, was made a count 1731.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4683


A certain one, who, in the world, had been in the truth of some good (Lagerberg), went in nearly a right line to the front, and noted what he saw there; and he told me that he saw separate regions, where there was a multitude of exceedingly turbulent spirits, of different degrees in the [different] quarters; and he beheld, that, in the midst, was a something obscure, which was said to be a man, around whom they are; and it is said by the angels, that there are such things thus around every man whatever, because man is the ultimate plane; and that, at the present day, there are such commotions around the man of the Church, chiefly from the hells - for they were seen in the plane of the sole of the foot, and they are under that plane. The spirits do not know that it is a man; neither does the man know that spirits are around him. He said that there were many hells beneath those in which they are, and that they who are above, in the world of spirits, act thus tumultuously into a sphere, which thus appears as a sphere bending itself around, by means of a spire, to the center where that obscure something, or that man, is.

Experientiae Spirituales 4683 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4683. De infernis

Quidam qui in mundo fuerat in vero alicujus boni, Lagerberg) , is antrorsum fere recta linea ibat, et observabat ibi quid videret, et mihi dicebat, quod videret distinctas regiones, ubi multitudo spirituum, valde tumultuantium, et varie in regionibus, et perspiciebat quod in medio esset obscurum quoddam, quod dicebatur esse hominem circum quem sunt, et sic dictum ab angelis, quod circum unumquemvis hominem sint talia, quia homo est ultimum planum; et quod hodie circum homines Ecclesiae sint tales tumultus maxime ab infernis, nam visebantur in plano plantae pedis, et illi sub eo plano, spiritus non sciunt quod homo sit, nec homo quod spiritus circum eum, dicebat quod inferna plura essent infra illos, in quibus sunt, et quod illi qui supra in mundo spirituum ita tumultuentur, in sphaeram, quae apparet sic sphaera per spiram se circumflectens ad centrum ubi illud obscurum, seu ille homo.

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