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《灵界经历》 第4695节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4695

4695. On the other hand, the simple who have not given attention to the truths of faith except in a most general way, and for whom matters of knowledge are not a block, can, if what is outward is removed from them, be held in some good by the angels, for they can be led by angels as if they were little children. But when they come into what is earthly, which is an evening and night, they do not act from a heavenly self, nor from any truths, but entirely in accord with what flows in, evilly if it comes from evil spirits. Good spirits cannot flow in because they have no plane of action because it has not been formed by truths of faith.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4695

4695. But the simple who have not studied the truths of faith, except in the most general manner, and in whom scientifics make no obstruction - externals are removed from them, they can be held in some good, by the angels; for they can be led by the angels like infants; but when they come into the natural, which is evening and night, they act from no celestial proprium, nor from any truths, but wholly according to influx - ill, because it is from the evil: the good cannot inflow, because they have no plane, none having been formed by the truths of faith.

Experientiae Spirituales 4695 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4695. At simplices qui non studuerunt veris fidei, sed solum communissime, et quibus nihil obstant scientifica, si externa illis removentur, possunt teneri in aliquo bono, ab angelis, nam illi duci possunt ab angelis sicut infantes, sed cum veniunt in naturale, quod est vespera et nox, tunc agunt ex nullo proprio coelesti, nec ex aliquibus veris, sed prorsus secundum influxum, male si a malis, boni non possunt influere, quia non habent planum, quod non formatum est per vera fidei.

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