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《灵界经历》 第4700节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4700

4700. About those who believe that heaven can be given out of Mercy

There was a certain one who had been intelligent in the world and in the other life too had insight in such things as pertain to intelligence (Rhydelius). He imagined, like others, that faith alone saved even at the hour of death no matter how a person had lived, consequently that in the other life heaven could be given to anyone who was such, thus out of Mercy alone on account of the Son. He believed that heaven could be given in this way out of mercy, and yet he did not know what heaven is, that it is within people, in their life's affection. On this account he was brought into heaven, toward the front, where the entrance to paradise is. There, surrounded by spirits and prepared in this way, he saw many things, saying every time that they were amazing. He saw angels there so lovely that he could not be more amazed. In a word, he saw the glory of heaven there. Those who were there said they wanted him to stay with them, and that he would be given a house there, which he also accepted. But they warned that if he were not yet such [as they], he should take care when heaven's light came near, and heaven's heat. The light of heaven did come near, and his vision then became dimmer and dimmer to the point that finally he could not see and together with this felt somewhat of pain within. Then he was restored and saw the angels there, gleaming now more than before. After this the heat of heaven came near, and then he began to feel intense pain, and the pain penetrated to his inner regions so that at the end he felt tormented. And then he became like a heavy weight and at length dropped. Then he asked where he could be revived, and eventually he was revived. He was then asked whether he wanted to be in heaven. He said he by no means sought it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4700


There was a certain one who was intelligent in the world, and also, in the other life, was in the perception of such thing as belong to intelligence (Rhydelius). He, like others, supposed that faith alone could save, even at the last, at the hour of death, no matter how the man had lived; and, consequently, that heaven is given to everyone in the other life who has such belief, thus from mercy alone, for the sake of the Son. He believed that heaven is thus granted out of mercy, and did not as yet know what heaven is, namely, that it is within, in man - in the affection of his life. Wherefore, he was conducted into heaven, where is the entrance to Paradise, to the front. There, encompassed with spirits, and thus tempered, he beheld many things, and constantly said that they were stupendous. He saw angels there of such delightfulness, that he could not wonder enough - in a word, he saw the glory of heaven in the place there. Those who were there, said that they wished that he would remain with them, and a lodging should be given him. He also accepted - but they admonished him, in case he were not of such a quality as themselves, that he should beware when the light and heat of heaven approached. The light of heaven approached; and, then, his sight was obscured more and more, until, at length, he could not see; and this was attended with some interior pain. He was then restored, and now saw the angels there more resplendent than before. Afterwards, the heat of heaven approached; then, he began to be distressed, and anguish penetrated towards the interiors, until he felt tortured; and next, he became like a heavy weight, and at last fell down; and he asked where he could be revived; and at last he was revived. He was then asked whether he wished to be in heaven. He said [that] he did not desire it in the least.

Experientiae Spirituales 4700 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4700. De illis qui credunt coelum dari ex Misericordia

Quidam qui intelligens in mundo fuit, et quoque in altera vita in perceptione talium quae intelligentiae sunt Rhydelius), is sicut alii putabat quod sola fides salvaret, etiam in ultima mortis hora, utcunque vixerat homo, consequenter quod coelum detur cuivis in altera vita qui talis, ita ex sola Misericordia propter Filium; is credebat ita coelum dari ex misericordia, nec adhuc sciebat quid coelum, quod sit intus in homine, in ejus vitae affectione; quare perductus est in coelum ubi introitus paradisi, antrorsum, ibi stipatus spiritibus et sic temperatus vidit plura, et loquutus semper quod stupenda essent, vidit angelos ibi tali amaenitate, ut non satis mirari posset, verbo gloriam coeli ibi loci; illi qui ibi dicebant, quod vellent ut maneret apud illos, et daretur ei ibi domicilium, accepit etiam, sed monuerunt, si nondum talis, caveret cum lux coeli aspiraret, et calor coeli, aspirabat lux coeli, et tunc obscurabatur visus magis et magis, usque tandem ut non videret, et cum aliquo dolore interior, restitutus dein et vidit angelos ibi nunc magis splendentes quam prius; postea aspirabat calor coeli, tunc incipiebat angi, et angor penetrabat versus interiora, tandem ut sentiret cruciatum, et tunc factus sicut grave pondus, et tandem decidit, et quaerebat ubi posset refocillari, et tandem refocillabatur; quaerebatur dein num vellet in coelum, dicebat [quod] prorsus non id ambiret.

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