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《灵界经历》 第4703节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4703

4703. Afterwards the things were enumerated that (Cederstedt) had received. It happened quickly, in the space of an hour, up to 3[00]ִ00 various things from various people, all of which he admitted. And this happened so quickly; in a moment's time all of the details were completely laid open. In fact, his ledger was read word for word on one page, about particular sums that he had received and also what he had written. In a word, it was amazing to hear the details enumerated in order in an hour's time without any mistake. Then all who were standing there, even himself, were stunned that there even is such a book of life in which the least of all things are openly shown and enumerated. He acknowledged everything, because he saw all the attendant details.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4703

4703. Afterwards, were recounted the things which he (Cederstedt) had accepted - which was done quickly, in the space of an hour, even to three and four hundred various things from various persons, all of which were acknowledged, and this so quickly, when pointed out, that the very least details were laid open; even his book was read, word by word, on one page, concerning certain sums which he had received, and which he had written down. In a word, it was amazing to hear each matter recounted in order, in an hour's time, without a mistake. Then all who stood by, even himself, were amazed that such a book of life should be at all possible, wherein the least details of all things should appear opened, and should be recalled. He acknowledged to everything, because he saw all the circumstances.

Experientiae Spirituales 4703 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4703. Postea recensebantur quae (Cederstedt) acceperat, quod fiebat per horulae spatium cito, usque ad 3 ad 400 varia, a variis, quae omnia affirmabantur, et hoc tam cito in instanti, ut prorsus singula aperirentur, etiam liber ejus legebatur verbotenus in una pagina, de summis quibusdam quas acceperat, etiam quae scripserat; verba stupendum erat audire, quod singula ordine horulae tempore recenserentur absque omni fallacia. Tunc omnes qui adstabant, etiam ipse obstupuerunt, quod talis liber vitae usque dabilis esset, in quo omnium minima aperte patent et recensentur. Affirmabat ad omnia, quia videbat circumstantias omnes.

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