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《灵界经历》 第4730节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4730

4730. Faces are changed

[Certain individuals] were shown to me whom I had known in bodily life. At first they were seen for a while with a face like they were endowed with in the world. The reason was that in outward respects they were then in the same state in which they had been in bodily life. But then, when they had laid aside their outward characteristics, they were shown who had been inwardly good. These were seen with a different face, and in fact, one that was more youthful, handsome, and pleasant, depending on their inward characteristics. Those, however, who had been evil were seen with a hideous face, scarcely a face, but either a beard or a grillwork of teeth or monstrous in another way, because everyone looks human according to the truths and goods of faith and love [within them], and conversely.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4730


I was shown some acquaintances that I had in the life of the body. At first, for some time, they appeared with a similar face to what they enjoyed in the world, for the reason that they were then in the same state as to externals, as they were in, in the life of the body. But they were next shown, when externals were removed. Then those who have been interiorly good were seen with another face, and indeed with a more youthful, fair and delightful one, and this according to the interior. But they who have been evil were seen with a hideous face. It was hardly a face, but rather a beard, or bundle of teeth, or otherwise monstrous; for each relates to man, according to the truths and goods of faith and love, and contrariwise.

Experientiae Spirituales 4730 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4730. Quod facies mutentur

Ostensi mihi quos notos habui in vita corporis, primum per aliquod tempus apparuerunt simili facie qua gavisi in mundo, ex causa quia tunc fuerunt in eodem statu quoad externa in quo fuerunt in vita corporis; ast ostensi dein, quando externa ablata sunt, qui tunc interius boni fuerunt, illi tunc alia facie visi sunt, et quidem plus juveni, pulchra et amaena, et hoc secundum interiora, qui autem mali fuerunt, visi sunt facie tetra, vix facies, sed vel barba, vel dentium crates, vel aliter monstra; nam quisque refert hominem secundum vera et bona fidei ac amoris, ac vicissim.

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