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《灵界经历》 第4763节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4763

4763. About Char[les] XII 1, and the love of rule

He was present with me for a long while. At first he was such as he had been in outward appearance and then behaved quite properly, which lasted for a year. Nevertheless, time and again the immoral things within him burst out. After this he was sent into his interior state in which he had been in the world. Inwardly he had thought that no one in the world could notice, nor did he want to be noticed. Also, it was discovered that through the years he had spoken with spirits. These conversations with them were replayed for days, namely, what was said and how he had answered, that he had not only been instructed about the Lord and about such things as pertain to the Church, but was also often warned and chastised, and that he was also warned to leave home and make peace.

[2] But he did not want to do this. He always wanted to be the greatest of all. But when this was refused, he decided to wipe out the name of the Lord with atheistic teachings. He also then began to love such people, that is to say atheists, from the heart, and made arrangements for having them at hand when he annihilated religion. And he also rushed into immoral activities that ought not to be mentioned (dogs) and like things that were immoral. Nevertheless, in outer appearance he had concealed such things. He did this even at the time when he was at peace.


1. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4704.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4763


He was present with me a long while, at first such as he had been in external form, which lasted for a year's time; and then he behaved quite temperately, but, still, time after time, the abominable things which were within, burst forth. He was afterwards let into his interior state in which he had been when in the world. He thought inwardly in himself, which no one in the world could perceive, nor did he wish it to be noticed; and it was also discovered, that, for years, he spoke with spirits, which speech with them was brought forth a long time, namely, what he spoke, and how they had answered, and that he had not only been instructed concerning the Lord, and concerning such things as pertain to the Church, but was also frequently admonished, and even chastised, and also urged to depart home and make peace; but he would not. He constantly desired to become greatest of all; but when this was denied him, he determined to destroy the name of the Lord, by atheistic doctrines; and then he began to love persons of such a character, or atheists, from his heart, and to look out that he might have such at hand when he should annihilate religion; and then, also, he rushed into abominable things, that ought not to be named (dog), and similar atrocities; but, still, in the exterior form, he had concealed such things, and this right on until he made peace.

Experientiae Spirituales 4763 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4763. De Car. XII, et de amore dominii

Adfuerat diu apud me, primo tempore qualis fuerat in externa forma, quod duravit per annuum tempus, et tunc satis moderate agebat, sed usque subinde eruperunt nefaria quae intus: postea missus est in statum interiorem suum, in quo fuerat cum in mundo, cogitabat intra se, quod nemo in mundo observare potuit, nec voluit ut observaretur, et quoque detectum est, quod per annos loquutus sit cum spiritibus, quae loquela cum illis diu fuit producta, nempe quod loquutus et quomodo responderat, et quod non solum instructus de Domino, et de talibus quae Ecclesiae, sed etiam admonitus saepe, etiam castigatus, et quoque admonitus ut domum proficisceretur et pacem faceret, sed non voluit, voluit semper omnium maximus fieri, sed cum hoc negatum, decrevit delere nomen Domini, per doctrinalia atheistica, tunc quoque incepit tales seu atheos amare ex corde, et prospicere sibi ut tales haberet ad manus cum religionem annihilaret; et tunc quoque in nefaria ruebat, quae non debent nominari (canes) et similia, quae nefaria, sed usque in exteriore forma talia absconderat; et hoc usque dum in pace esset.

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