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《灵界经历》 第4764节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4764

4764. In the other life he continued doing this and behaved as an enemy of the Lord and wanted to destroy whatever was His. He did this for a rather long time, at first for weeks, and then for months. He acted like the devil in effigy and wanted to stir up any hells whatever. He was often punished too. He was sent into an utterly squalid hell where there were pigs, but still he kept on. But to relate the details would be to write a book.

The nature of the love of rule, which was in him to the utmost degree, is evident from the fact that although he spoke with spirits and angels and was instructed daily, still he not only did not take this in, but finally even denied the Divine itself, which he did by a attributing all things to nature. Such is the love of rule.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4764

4764. This he also continued in the other life, and behaved himself as an enemy to the Lord, and wished to destroy whatever was His, and this quite a long time - at first for weeks, next for months. He acted the devil in effigy, and wished to stir up all hells whatever, and was frequently punished; he was let into a most filthy hell, where there are swine; but, still, he persisted. But to relate the particulars would be to write a book. Hence it was evident of what quality is the love of dominion, which was in him in such an extreme degree, that, although he speaks with spirits and angels, and is instructed daily, yet, notwithstanding, he not only does not receive, but even, at length, denies the Divine itself - which also he did, by attributing all things to nature. Such is the love of dominion.

Experientiae Spirituales 4764 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4764. Is in altera vita continuabat hoc, et se hostem gessit Domino, et voluit destruere quicquid Ipsius esset, et hoc satis diu primum per septimanas, dein per menses, agebat diabolum in effigie, et voluit excitare inferna quaecunque, etiam punitus saepe, missus in squalidissimum infernum ubi porci, sed usque perstitit. Sed singula memorare foret librum conscribere. Exinde patuit qualis amor dominii est, qui in illo in extremo gradu fuit, quod tametsi loquatur cum spiritibus et angelis et instruatur quotidie, usque tamen non modo non recipiat, sed etiam neget tandem ipsum Divinum, quod etiam ille fecit, tribuendo naturae omnia, talis est amor dominii.

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