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《灵界经历》 第4765节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4765

4765. About memory after death

It happened that spirits saw something in my memory about a certain servant, that I had not given him what he ought to have, when in fact this had been dreamed about several times, and yet I had given him all that I had promised. When I told them this, they then drew out of my memory how many times I had dreamed about this and what I had dreamed, which was rather often, and that I had given him his pay, in spite of the fact that I myself had entirely forgotten. And besides this, they did the same thing with the servant. From this it was clear to me that all and the least things are inscribed on the inner memory, that is to say, the memory of the spirit, even those in the outer memory which have been entirely erased.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4765


It happened that spirits saw in my memory something about a certain servant, [namely] that I have not given him what was due to him and this matter had been dreamed on several occasions, and still I have given him all that I stipulated. When I told them this, then they extracted from my [interior] memory the number of times I have dreamed about it, and what I have dreamed, which was quite frequently - also, that I have given him his wages and yet I myself have wholly forgotten this [as regards the exterior memory]: moreover, they did the like with the servant. Hence it was clearly manifest to me, that each and everything, yea, the minutest details, were inscribed on the interior memory, or the memory of the spirit, even things which have been wholly obliterated in exterior memory.

Experientiae Spirituales 4765 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4765. De memoria post mortem

Accidit quod spiritus viderent in memoria mea de quodam famulo, quod non dederim ei quod habere deberet, cum tamen hoc fuerat somnium aliquoties, et usque quod dederim ei omnia quae stipulatus sum; hoc cum dicerem illis, tunc ex memoria mea desumebant quoties de eo somniavi, et quid somniavi, quod erat saepius, tum quod dederim ei stipendia; et tamen ipse [ego] hoc prorsus oblitus sum; et praeterea simile faciebant apud famulum, inde manifeste patuit mihi, quod omnia et singula, imo singularissima inscripta essent memoriae interiori seu memoriae spiritus, etiam quae prorsus obliterata sunt in memoria exteriore.

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