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《灵界经历》 第4767节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4767

4767. From this it could be concluded that all and the least things are foreseen and provided for by the Lord, because they are present in the memory and constitute the moments of a person's life, that is, they form the states of the inward life.

I also heard enumerated, in the case of one who had insultingly attacked me (Elfwius), what and to whom he had spoken ill of me, the number of times, the words and the circumstances, which he knew was an offense and insult to his country, and many other like things. And this went on for about half an hour, one thing after other and rapidly. From which, too, it was evident to me that each and every thing, down to the very least, remains with a person in the other life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4767

4767. From this I concluded that all things, in general and particular, are foreseen and provided by the Lord; because they are in the memory, and make the moments of man's life, that is, form the states of his interior life. I have also heard recounted, by a certain one who slandered me ( ? . . .), the times and words, with the circumstances, what ill he had spoken of me and to whom, that he knows [me] to be a disgrace and reproach to the country, and many similar things; and this was done for about half-an-hour, seriatim and rapidly. Wherefrom, it might also be evident to me, that all things, in general and particular, even to the minutest details, remain with man in the other life.

Experientiae Spirituales 4767 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4767. Exinde concludi [potuit], quod a Domino omnia et singula praevisa et provisa sint, quia insunt memoriae et faciunt momenta vitae ejus, hoc est, formant status vitae interioris. Audivi etiam apud quendam qui me vituperavit (Elfwius) recenseri vices et voces cum circumstantiis quid de me, et apud quos dixerat male, quod scit esse scandalum et vituperium patriae, et plura similia, et hoc ad dimidium circiter horae, et hoc in serie, et cito, ex quo etiam constare mihi potuit, quod omnia et singula, usque ad singularissima remaneant homini in altera vita.

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