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《灵界经历》 第4768节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4768

4768. About heavenly marriage, and about hellish marriage

There was a certain one who was involved in a hellish marriage (C[harles] XII 1). He practiced a certain wickedness against those who had a heavenly marriage. But then, as a punishment, the love for heavenly marriage was communicated to him. He was then so miserably tormented by the inflow of this communication that it was as if he were in the flame of a fire. He screamed and cried out that this was tormenting him. And it did so as long as the communication continued. From this was apparent the degree and nature of the hell produced by an inflow from heaven with those who are in hell.


1. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4704.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4768


There was a certain one who was in the infernal marriage (Charles XII). He practiced a certain kind of wickedness against others, who were in the heavenly marriage; but, then, as a punishment, the heavenly marriage love was communicated to him. Then, from the communication of the influx, he was so miserably tormented, that he was, as it were, in a flame of fire. He bawled and shouted because he was so tormented, and this as long as the communication lasted. Hence was evident the degree and quality of the hell which the influx of heaven, with those who are in hell, produces.

Experientiae Spirituales 4768 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4768. De conjugio coelesti, et de conjugio infernali

Erat quidam qui in conjugio infernali (C. XII), is exercebat malitiam quandam contra alios qui erant in conjugio coelesti, sed tunc pro punitione communicabatur amor conjugii coelestis cum eo, is tunc ex communicationis influxu, tam misere cruciabatur, ut esset sicut in flamma ignis, vociferabatur et clamabat, quod ita cruciaretur, et hoc quamdiu communicatio perstabat, inde patuit quantum et quale inferni causatur influxus e coelo apud illos qui in inferno.

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