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《灵界经历》 第4769节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4769

4769. About the atheistic gang in Europe where the Church is

It was shown how great the number of atheists is within the Church, for all who are alive are as to their souls in the other life, and they are in a society with other spirits, something they themselves do not know. These spirits, that is to say, of the people who are alive, were presented to sight, toward the right. Those today who are atheists and who live in the world formed an enormous multitude, and there were so many of them that it was impossible to count them. Reckoned by multiplying groups, it was up to three million, besides many others who appeared rising from the sea as it were, that is, from the sciences.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4769


It was shown [above] how great is the number of atheists within the Church. All of these that are alive [as to the body], are, as to their souls, in the other life, and in society, there, with other spirits which they themselves do not know. These spirits, namely, of men who are living, are presented to the sight, towards the right. There was a vast multitude of such as at this day are atheists, and are alive in the world - so great that it could not be numbered. It was numbered, by classes, up to three millions, besides many who appeared, as it were, to rise out of the sea, that is, from sciences.

Experientiae Spirituales 4769 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4769. De turba atheistica intra Europam ubi Ecclesia

Ostendebatur quantus numerus atheistarum sit intra Ecclesiam, omnes enim qui vivunt quoad animas sunt in altera vita, et ibi in societate cum aliis spiritibus, quod ipsi nesciunt, illi spiritus, nempe hominum qui vivunt, sistebantur ad visum, versus dextrum, qui hodie sunt athei, et vivunt in mundo, erat multitudo ingens, et tanta ut numerari non posset, numerabatur per classes usque 3 milliones, praeter plures qui apparebant quasi exsurgere ex mari, hoc est, ex scientiis.

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