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《灵界经历》 第4770节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4770

4770. About the beginning of a new Church

After the atheistic crowd that is within the Church appeared, when it then disappeared, many said that it has been reported that somewhere among the gentiles a revelation from heaven is beginning to be made, namely that spirits and angels are speaking with them and teaching heavenly doctrine, chiefly about the Lord, and that they are embracing it there, and as a result a new Church from heaven is arising.

[2] They then spoke about this and said that new Churches had previously been begun in this way: the Jewish church by miracles and live speech with Moses from Mount Sinai, thus through spirits and through angels; the Christian church by miracles and also by people's speech with spirits, spirits spoke with the apostles, and many people spoke in foreign tongues as well, besides by miracles. This gave rise to rejoicing in heaven.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4770


Afterwards appeared the atheistic crew which is within the Church; then, when it vanished, it was said, by many, that it has been announced, that, somewhere amongst the nations, there begins to take place a revelation from heaven; that is, that spirits and angels speak with them, and teach heavenly doctrine, and especially concerning the Lord; and that those there embrace it, and that thus a new Church from heaven is rising up. Then they spoke concerning this matter; and it was said, that, in this manner, new Churches had been formerly founded, namely, the Jewish, by miracles and living speech with Moses and out of Mount Sinai, thus, by means of spirits and angels; the Christian Church by miracles, and also speech of men with spirits; for spirits spoke with the apostles: moreover, besides the miracles, many also spoke in foreign tongues. Hence there was rejoicing in heaven.

Experientiae Spirituales 4770 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4770. De novae Ecclesiae initiamento

Postquam turba atheistica, quae intra Ecclesiam, apparuit, tunc cum evanuit, dicebatur a pluribus quod nuntiatum sit quod alicubi apud gentes incipiat fieri revelatio ex coelo, quod nempe spiritus et angeli loquantur cum illis, et doceant doctrinam coelestem, et primum de Domino, et quod ibi amplectantur illam, et sic quod nova Ecclesia e coelo exsurgat.

[2] Tunc de ea re loquebantur, et dicebatur quod novae Ecclesiae ita inchoatae fuerint prius, nempe Judaica per miracula et per vivam loquelam cum Mosche, ex monte Sinae, ita per spiritus et per angelos; Ecclesia Christiana per miracula, et quoque per loquelam hominum cum spiritibus, loquebantur enim spiritus cum apostolis, tum quoque plures loquebantur linguis alienis, praeter per miracula. Inde laetificatio fuit in coelo.

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