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《灵界经历》 第4786节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4786

4786. About certain appearances around spirits coming from the societies around them, as for example, hats, and other articles of clothing and things on the outside of a person

It is worthy of note that angelic societies around a spirit flow not only into the things that belong to a spirit's mind and body, but also into those that are on the outside of a spirit's body. For example, [there are societies] that produce hatten 1, peruquen 2, mossan 3, armklade 4, likewise garments anywhere you like. This is why it can be known by the clothes the spirit is wearing what societies he is attached to. A certain female spirit had a chest in which there were some garments of a small child and other things that had a child-like innocence. She hid this chest, but when it was taken away, the child-like innocence perished. From this was evident that child-like societies produced it. It is similar with those who have a sword or even a staff with a cross guard of wood or silver or gold. This too comes into existence by an inflow from societies who possess the defensive power of truth. Those who [fashion] a sword are those who are defending with truth. If a hat vel mossa, vel peruque 5is taken away from someone, communication with such things as flow in from above perishes; consequently articles of clothing are from this source. When there is a connection with anything, it is pictured by a cord that a person holds in his hand. The communication of thoughts and inflow is pictured by thin cords going down, and so forth.


1. Swedish for "hat"

2. Swedish for "wig"

3. Swedish for "cap"

4. Swedish for "shirt"

5. Swedish for "or cap or wig"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4786


It is worthy of relation, that the angelic societies with a spirit, not only inflow into those things which belong to his mind and body, but also into those things which are external to the body - as, for example, those which they [the societies] specially affect, hat, wig, cap, scarf [or kerchief]; so, also, into garments everywhere. Hence it is, that, by the garments a spirit has, it can be known with which societies he is conjoined. A certain female spirit had a chest, wherein were some garments belonging to an infant, and other things pertaining to infantile innocence. This chest she concealed. When, however, it was taken away, infantile innocence perished. Hence it was evident, that infantile societies favored that. It is similar with those who have a sword, or even a staff with a transverse piece of wood, or of silver, or of gold. This also happens by means of influx from societies which are in the power of truth. That sword [appears through influx from a society] which is in the function of defense, by means of truth. If a hat, or cap, or wig, is taken away from anyone, the communication with such things as inflow from above, perishes; so that these articles of clothing are from thence. When there is a connection with anyone, this is represented by means of a band which he holds in the hand: the communication and influx of thoughts [is represented] by ropes descending, and so forth.

Experientiae Spirituales 4786 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4786. De quibusdam apparentiis apud spiritus de societatibus apud illos, ut de pileis, aliisque indumentis et rebus extra hominem

Dignum memoratu est, quod societates angelicae apud spiritum non solum influant in illa quae mentis ejus et corporis sunt, sed etiam in illa quae extra corpus, sicut qui formant, hatten 1

, peruquen 2

, mossan 3

, armklade 4

, ita quoque vestes ubivis, inde est quod spiritus a vestibus apud se cognosci queat cum quibus societatibus conjunctus est; quaedam habebat scrinium in quo infantis aliquae vestes, et alia quae innocentiae infantilis erant, hoc illa recondebat, sed cum auferebatur periit innocentia infantilis, inde patuit quod societates infantiles illud formabant: similiter qui habent gladium, vel etiam baculum cum transverso ex ligno vel ex argento vel ex auro, fit hoc quoque per influxum a societatibus qui in potentia veri, qui gladium [formant sunt] qui in defensione per verum. Si pileus, vel mossa, vel peruque alicui auferuntur, perit communicatio cum talibus quae e superiori influunt, sic ut haec indumenta sint inde: cum nexus est cum aliquo repraesentatur hoc per fasciam quam tenet manu; communicatio cogitationum et influxuum, per funiculos descendentes, et sic porro.


1. = pileus (vox suecica)

2. = crines adscititii, capillamentum (vox suecica)

3. = galerus (vox suecica)

4. = sudarium, muccinium (vox suecica)

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