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《灵界经历》 第4795节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4795

4795. They also conceal the mysteries of their faith from others out of a concern for use and life in the world. They speak about them among themselves because they are afraid that others may call them Socinians, and as a result of this they may be excluded by others who acknowledge the Divine of the Lord, and for other reasons as well. Consequently they socialize among themselves and emphasize that they alone are those who are saved and that all others are condemned. They do not speak about their mysteries with others. Consequently, those of them who are evil are inwardly evil, and inwardly think evilly about others and also do evil to them in secret.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4795

4795. From custom and life in the world, they have the characteristic, that they conceal the arcana of their faith from others, and speak about them to each other; for they fear lest they should be styled Socinians, and so be excluded from those others who acknowledge the Divinity of the Lord, and for other reasons. Hence, also, they converse with, and impress on, each other; that they alone are the saved, and that all others are condemned. They do not speak about their arcana to others. Hence it is, that those of them who are evil are interiorly evil, and think in an interiorly evil manner respecting others, and, also, do evil to them in secret.

Experientiae Spirituales 4795 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4795. Ex usu et vita in mundo hoc habent quod arcana fidei suae abscondant ab aliis, et de illis inter se loquantur, nam timent ne audiant Sociniani, et sic ab aliis excludantur qui Divinum Domini agnoscunt, et ob alia, inde quoque conversantur inter se, et imprimunt, quod illi soli sint qui salventur, et quod omnes alii condemnentur; de arcanis suis non loquuntur cum aliis; inde est, quod qui eorum mali sunt, interius mali sint, et cogitent interius male de aliis, et quoque illis in occulto faciant malum.

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