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《灵界经历》 第4796节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4796

4796. The reason there is an inward friendship among them is because they think a great deal about their own salvation and think that they are saved and not others; from this they have such friendship.

When they talk among themselves behind closed doors, they talk about such things. And they said, when they were heard speaking among themselves in a closed room, that they absolutely have the truth, because they have a tangible feeling that others do not, and that angels have spoken with many of them. So they imagine, but those who have spoken with them are spirits of the same faith as they, who are of a similar persuasion.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4796

4796. That there is interior friendship amongst them, is because they think much concerning their salvation, and that they are saved, and not others; hence they have such friendship. When they speak together, with closed doors, they then talk about such things; and they said, when they were heard speaking together in a closed apartment that they are certainly in the truth, because they have the sensation [of it], which others have not, and that angels speak with many [of their number]: so they imagine; but they who speak with them are spirits of the same faith with themselves, who are in a similar persuasion.

Experientiae Spirituales 4796 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4796. Quod amicitia interior apud illos sit, est quia cogitant multum de salute sua, et quod illi salventur et non alii, inde illis talis amicitia. Cum loquuntur inter se clausis januis, tunc de talibus loquuntur, et dixerunt, cum auditi in conclavi clauso inter se loquentes, quod omnino in vero sint, quia sensationem habent, quam non alii, et quod angeli cum pluribus loquantur, ut putant, sed qui cum illis loquuntur sunt spiritus ex eadem cum illis fide, qui in simili persuasione sunt.

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