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《灵界经历》 第4797节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4797

4797. Continuation about the Moravian Church, and about mercy

The same spirits believed that they are saved out of Mercy, but they alone are saved, and that to be saved out of mercy is to be received into heaven whatever they may have been like in life, provided only that they had such a faith and feeling as they themselves. But it was said to them that the Mercy of the Lord is always [leading] a person from early childhood, that the Lord always acts and regenerates from mercy, and that those who do not receive mercy in the world cannot receive it in the other life; it is received through charity. And it was also said that a belief in this could nevertheless be given in the other life but that this happens outside the normal order of things, not according to order.

[2] So that this might be clear, and together with it the truth that no one can be saved out of mercy unless they receive it in the world through a good life, the same spirits who initially denied this, that it happens in a way outside the normal order, were sent towards those who had felt correctly about mercy and admittance into heaven. And they were then kept turned far toward the right, and certain spirits were called in overhead so they might in this way be kept in this state of faith, that is to say, of light. And then they said plainly and aloud that they perceive and see quite clearly that this is the case; and they said this repeatedly for quite a long time. A certain great devil was even called in, and he too perceived this clearly.

But when they were returned to their prior state, which was [the normal] state of their life, they then no longer perceived this but the contrary. From this it is clear that people cannot be elevated into heaven out of mercy however they may have lived, because no one can be held to eternity in a state outside the normal order. But a person is led by the Lord from good, and then the person is led in the regular, that is to say, the common way.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4797


The same believed that they are saved from mercy, but only they; and that to be saved from mercy is to be received into heaven, no matter what their quality as to life, be they only in such a faith and sensation as they had. But they were told that the mercy of the Lord is over man from infancy; also, that the Lord constantly operates and regenerates from mercy; and that they who have not received mercy in the world cannot receive it in the other life. It is received by means of charity; and they were also told that faith in this truth can indeed be given in the other life, but that this occurs in an extraordinary manner, therefore, not according to order. In order that this - and, at the same time, that no one could be saved from mercy unless they had received it by means of a life of good in the world - might be manifest, the same ones, who at first denied this, were sent, in an extraordinary way, towards those who felt aright concerning mercy and reception into heaven; and they were then held, directed towards the right, afar, and certain spirits were brought above the head, that thus they might be kept in that state of faith, or light; and they then said, in a clear and living voice, that they perceive and see most manifestly that the matter is so; and this they did, frequently, and for a long time. Also, a certain great devil was brought thither, and he also saw it clearly. But when let back into their former state, which was the state of their life, they then perceived it no longer. The contrary, however, was thence apparent, namely, that they cannot be raised up into heaven, out of mercy, and without regard to how they have lived; for no one can be kept to eternity in an extraordinary state; but he is led from good, by the Lord, and is then led in the ordinary and general way.

Experientiae Spirituales 4797 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4797. De Ecclesia Moraviana Continuatio, et de misericordia

Iidem crediderunt, quod salventur ex Misericordia, sed solum illi, et quod ex misericordia salvari sit recipi in coelum qualescunque essent quoad vitam, modo in tali fide essent et sensatione sicut illi; sed illis dictum, quod Misericordiae Domini sit semper hominem ab infantia [ducere], et quod Dominus semper ex misericordia operetur, et regeneret, et quod qui non misericordiam receperunt in mundo, non possint recipere in altera vita, recipitur per charitatem: et quoque dictum, quod dari quidem possit fides ejus rei in altera vita, sed quod hoc modo extraordinario fiat, ita non secundum ordinem.

[2] Ut pateret hoc, et simul quod nemo ex misericordia salvari posset, nisi per vitam boni receperant illam in mundo, missi sunt iidem, qui prius negarunt illud, modo extraordinario, versus illos qui recte sentiebant de misericordia et receptione in coelum, et tunc tenebantur obversi versus dextrum longe, et spiritus quidam arcessebantur super caput, ut sic in eo statu fidei seu lucis tenerentur, et tunc dicebant clara et viva voce, quod percipiant et videant clarissime quod res ita se habeat, et hoc saepe et diu: etiam diabolus quidam magnus illuc arcessebatur, et is quoque id videbat clare; sed cum remissi in statum priorem, qui fuit status vitae, tunc non amplius id percipiebant, sed contrarium. Inde patuit, quod elevari in coelum ex misericordia utcunque vixerint, nequeant, nam teneri in aeternum in statu extraordinario nemo potest, sed ex bono ducetur a Domino, et tunc ducitur modo ordinario seu communi.

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