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《灵界经历》 第4798节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4798

4798. Among their [faith's] secrets is that the immoral acts they commit are forgiven and that this is done [for them] rather than [for those] who do not sin and want to acquire merit as a result. On this account they do not refrain from immoral acts, but they commit them against those who are outside their congregation. They are not afraid of inflicting injury on them by force or cunning because they regard those people as dead and thus hellish.

They also believe that no one can come to heaven except themselves and that they and not others have been granted [heaven] by the Father Himself.

They attacked me the whole night, by presenting women, and the foulest parts of a woman, as if they were to be eaten, which meant they believe the greatest abomination possible is to worship the Lord as God, that is to say, His Divine Human.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4798

4798. It is among their arcana, that even crimes committed by them are forgiven, and this more completely than [with those] who do not sin, and wish to merit thereby. Wherefore, they do not restrain themselves from crimes, but [practice] them against those who are outside their congregation, on whom they do not fear to inflict harm by violence, or by cunning, because they consider them as dead and infernal. They also believe that none enter heaven but themselves, and that they and no others are endowed therewith by His Father. They infested me a whole night, placing [before me] women, and the foulest parts of women, as if to eat, which signified, that, by exceedingly atrocious things, they thought they worshipped the Lord as God, or His Human as Divine.

Experientiae Spirituales 4798 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4798. Inter arcana eorum est, quod etiam nefaria facta ab illis remittantur, et hoc satius quam [iis] qui non peccant et per id mereri volunt, quapropter nec se inhibent a nefariis, sed contra illos qui extra congregationem eorum sunt; quibus inferre damnum per vim vel per astum non timent, quia considerant illos ut mortuos et sic ut infernales. Credunt etiam nullos venire ad coelum quam ipsi, et quod illi dati sint a Patre Ipsius, et non alii. Infestabant me tota nocte, objiciendo faeminas, et turpissima faeminae sicut ad esum, quod significabat quod pro maxime nefando credant Dominum adorare ut Deum, seu Humanum Ipsius Divinum.

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