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《灵界经历》 第4799节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4799

4799. They were all acting together in this way. Because of this they were moved to the right on the plane of the sole of the foot, quite far away.

It was said to them that the Lord cannot dwell, through love, with those who are in a life of evil. Because love is most holy, it cannot be present with those who are profane as to life's purpose because of their being bound up with loving the Lord as a person like one of themselves, who was equally imperfect, so that there is no faith in the Lord and thus neither is there love.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4799

4799. It was all of them in unison who acted thus. Wherefore, they were also removed to the right, in the plane of the sole of the foot, very far off. They were told that the Lord cannot dwell, by love, with those who are in a life of evil, because He is most holy. He cannot be with those who are profane as to the ends of their life; wherefore, they are kept in the state of loving the Lord, as a man, like one of themselves, who was infirm in similar manner; so that they have no faith in the Lord, and, consequently, no love.

Experientiae Spirituales 4799 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4799. Omnes erant qui conjunctim sic agebant: quapropter etiam removebantur ad dextrum in plano plantae pedis longissime. Dicebatur eis quod Dominus non habitare possit per amorem apud illos qui in vita mali sunt, quia sanctissimus, non potest apud illos qui prophani sunt quoad fines vitae, quapropter tenentur in eo quod Dominum ament ut hominem sicut unum ex se, qui similiter infirmus fuerat, sic ut fides non sit in Dominum, ita nec amor.

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