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《灵界经历》 第4808节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4808

4808. After this they also decided to kill yet another man who, when he became aware of this, climbed up on a bench and cried out asking if they wanted to kill him as they had the other two. At this point there was a large group of almost most a hundred, and they too decided to kill him. First one of them hit his head with a cane, and after this they manhandled him viciously. He then soon ran away from them.

They are such that if they do not all agree, they contemplate murdering the one who thinks otherwise, and this arises from their religion's wicked zeal.

Those six committed this crime twice. They were called out of hell and shown to the rest and thrown back in again.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4808

4808. They, likewise, determined, afterwards, to kill another. When he discovered this, he got up on a bench, and cried out, demanding whether they wished to kill him, like the other two. There was, at that time, a gathering of many, up to a hundred, and they also determined to kill him. First, one struck his head with a staff; and they afterwards treated him miserably. He then, the next moment, fled from them. They are of such a character, that, if all do not unanimously agree, they are disposed to kill him who thinks differently from them; and this from execrable zeal for their own religious sentiments. Those six have twice committed that crime. They were called forth from hell and shown to the rest, and cast thither again.

Experientiae Spirituales 4808 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4808. Postea etiam decreverunt alium occidere, qui cum animadverteret hoc, ascendebat super scamnum et clamabat num vellent occidere illum sicut duos alios, tunc erat coetus plurium ad 100, et illi quoque decernebant interficere eum, baculo caput ejus primum percutiebat unus, et postea misere tractabant; ille mox dein fugiebat ab illis.

Tales sunt, ut si non unanimiter consentiant, quod cogitent de nece ejus qui aliter cogitat, et hoc ex nefando zelo sui religiosi. Sex illi bis facinus illud fecerunt, evocati sunt ex inferno et ostensi reliquis, ac iterum illuc conjecti.

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