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《灵界经历》 第4809节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4809

4809. They were told that faith's truth and evil in life do not agree, but they completely denied this saying that they are still living, and since they are alive, evil is not evil with them. It was said to them that they are insane in this regard and that they cannot have the truth of faith because, for example, they condone evil in life.

They also did evil to one another and were punished because of it.

They were also told that those who are engaged in evils of life worship wicked spirits who make themselves out to be Christ, as many in the other [life] are doing. Some dwell deep under the sole and are also seen far off to the right in the plane of the hair.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4809

4809. They were told that the truth of faith, and evil of life, do not accord; but they wholly denied this, saying that they are still alive, and since alive, evil is not evil in their case. It was replied that, in this, they are insane; and that they cannot have the truth of faith - as, for example, for the reason that they approve evil of life. They also did evil to others - for which, also, they were punished. It was also told them, that those who are in evils of life, worship wicked spirits who feign themselves to be Christ, in which case many are, in the other [life]. Some dwell deep under the soles, and also appear afar off, to the right, in the plane of the hair.

Experientiae Spirituales 4809 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4809. Dictum est illis, quod verum fidei et malum vitae non concordent, sed hoc prorsus negarunt, dicentes quod usque vivi sint, et cum vivi, malum non sit malum apud illos, responsum est, quod in hoc insaniant, et quod non possint verum fidei habere, ut ex: gr: in hoc quia approbant malum vitae. Etiam malum alteris fecerunt, propterea etiam puniti sunt. Dictum etiam est illis, quod illi qui in malis vitae sunt, adorent malignos spiritus qui faciunt se esse Christum, ut plures in altera [vita] sunt, habitant quidam profunde sub planta, et quoque apparent ad dextrum remoti in plano capillitii.

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